New publication in edition: NOISM - Fragments of the Contemporary and Contemporaneity of Improvised Music

New publication in edition: NOISM - Fragments of the Contemporary and Contemporaneity of Improvised Music

Publication: NOISM - Fragments of the Contemporary and Contemporaneity of Improvised Music


Nova publikacija u ediciji: NOISM - Fragmenti o savremenosti i svevremenosti improvizovanoj muzici

Nova publikacija u ediciji: NOISM - Fragmenti o savremenosti i svevremenosti improvizovanoj muzici

Publikacija: NOISM - Fragmenti o savremenosti i svevremenosti improvizovane muzike

1% za kulturu - Inicijativa Asocijacije Nezavisne kulturne scene Srbije

1% za kulturu - Inicijativa Asocijacije Nezavisne kulturne scene Srbije

1% za kulturu

Inicijativa Asocijacije Nezavisne kulturne scene Srbije 





31 October - 02 November 2019

photo by and Manja Holodkov





31. oktobar – 02. novembar 2019.

fotografije: i Manja Holodkov


Centar vas poziva na Art Encounters BIENNIAL 2019 – SUSRETANJE UMETNOSTI, Temišvar/Rumunija, 25. oktobar 2019.

Centar vas poziva na Art Encounters BIENNIAL 2019 – SUSRETANJE UMETNOSTI, Temišvar/Rumunija, 25. oktobar 2019.

Centar vas poziva na:
20. septembar – 27. oktobar, 2019, Timišvar, Rumunija


New Media Center invites you to Art Encounters BIENNIAL 2019 in Timisoara, Romania, friday October 25th, 2019

New Media Center invites you to Art Encounters BIENNIAL 2019 in Timisoara, Romania, friday October 25th, 2019

New Media Center invites you to:
Art Encounters BIENNIAL 2019
September 20 – October 27, 2019, Timisoara, Romania


#Independent Publishing Platform

FESTIVAL-U-OPOZICIJI, 31. oktobar – 02. november, 2019., u CK13, Novi Sad

Zvučna instalacija: iMstrument, Tomaž Grom

Zvučna instalacija: iMstrument, Tomaž Grom

PROGRAM / četvrtak / thursday / 31. oktobar 2019.: 22:15–23:00 iMstrument > prezentacija instalacije Tomaž Grom (Ljubljana) 17:00-24:00 četvrtak / thursday – subota/saturday Zvučna instalacija: iMstrument

Instalacija iMstrument Tomaž Grom, (Ljubljana)

 iMstrument Tomaž Grom: koncept

Ana Čigon: snimanje i montaža video zapisa

Vasja Progar: obrada, kodiranje

Tilen Sepič: dizajn

Sploh institut: produkcija,

Špela Trošt: izvršni producent


FESTIVAL-IN-OPPOSITION, October 31 – November 02, 2019., at CK13, Novi Sad recommends a new book: The Art of Direct Action; Social Sculpture and Beyond recommends a new book: The Art of Direct Action; Social Sculpture and Beyond recommends a new book:

The Art of Direct Action
Social Sculpture and Beyond


Karen van den Berg
Cara M. Jordan
Philipp Kleinmichel


Design by Patricia Reed
Sternberg Press, 2019
ISBN 987-3-956794-85-8 preporučuje novu knjigu: The Art of Direct Action; Social Sculpture and Beyond preporučuje novu knjigu: The Art of Direct Action; Social Sculpture and Beyond preporučuje novu knjigu:

The Art of Direct Action
Social Sculpture and Beyond

Umetnost direktne akcije
Socijalna skulptura i šire


Karen van den Berg
Cara M. Jordan
Philipp Kleinmichel


Design/dizajn: Patricia Reed
Sternberg Press, 2019
ISBN 987-3-956794-85-8 preporučuje: Novosadski tekstualizam, Silvia Dražić, doprinos dugoročnom projektu Trajni čas umetnosti preporučuje: Novosadski tekstualizam, Silvia Dražić, doprinos dugoročnom projektu Trajni čas umetnosti preporučuje:

publikacija u izdanju Futura publikacije

Silvia Dražić / Novosadski tekstualizam

Edicija Kontrateg 6, Novi Sad 2018.

ISBN 987-86-7188-181-4


Video from the panel discussion: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience, May 13/14, 2019., Gallery SULUV, Novi Sad

Video from the panel discussion: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience, May 13/14, 2019., Gallery SULUV, Novi Sad

Video from the panel discussion: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience, May 13/14, 2019., Gallery SULUV, Novi Sad

EXHIBITION: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience

13-24. May 2019.

Gallery SULUV,
Blvd Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad


Participants: Evan LIght, Michael Prinzinger, Arandjel Bojanovic, Vladan Joler

Moderation: Darija Medic, Mihajlo Vujasin

Video dokument sa panel diskusije: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti, 13/14. Maj 2019., Galerija SULUV, Novi Sad

Video dokument sa panel diskusije: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti, 13/14. Maj 2019., Galerija SULUV, Novi Sad

Video dokument sa panel diskusije: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti, 13/14. Maj 2019., Galerija SULUV, Novi Sad

IZLOŽBA: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti

13-24. maj 2019.

Galerija SULUV, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad


Učesnici: Evan LIght, Michael Prinzinger, Arandjel Bojanovic, Vladan Joler

Modreacija: Darija Medic, Mihajlo Vujasin


Video from the panel discussion: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience, May 13/14, 2019., Gallery SULUV, Novi Sad

Video from the panel discussion: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience, May 13/14, 2019., Gallery SULUV, Novi Sad

Darija Medic, Mihajlo Vujasin, Evan LIght, Michael Prinzinger, Arandjel Bojanovic, Vladan Joler

Video from the panel discussion: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience, May 13/14, 2019., Gallery SULUV, Novi Sad

EXHIBITION: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience

13-24. May 2019.

Gallery SULUV,
Blvd Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad


Participants: Evan LIght, Michael Prinzinger, Arandjel Bojanovic, Vladan Joler

Moderation: Darija Medic, Mihajlo Vujasin


The exhibition SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience is an adaptation and interpretation of the international exhibition Berliner Gazette from Berlin, in the tradition of free and open source software culture and exchange. The exhibition presents artistic responses to one of the most important events in the recent history of digital rights and data privacy - the discovery of NSA and GHCQ files by Edward Snowden and his associates. The exhibition presents the works of renowned actors of the new media art scene, situating the historic leak in the context of civic appropriation. Foregrounded are artists who by
treating the documents, transform them into commons. 



Video dokument sa panel diskusije: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti, 13/14. Maj 2019., Galerija SULUV, Novi Sad

Video dokument sa panel diskusije: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti, 13/14. Maj 2019., Galerija SULUV, Novi Sad

Darija Medic, Mihajlo Vujasin, Evan LIght, Michael Prinzinger, Arandjel Bojanovic, Vladan Joler

Video dokument sa panel diskusije: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti, 13/14. Maj 2019., Galerija SULUV, Novi Sad

IZLOŽBA: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti

13-24. maj 2019.

Galerija SULUV, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad


Učesnici: Evan LIght, Michael Prinzinger, Arandjel Bojanovic, Vladan Joler

Modreacija: Darija Medic, Mihajlo Vujasin

Izložba SIGNALI – Algoritmi neposlušnosti je adaptacija i svojevrsna interpretacija međunarodne izložbe kolektiva Berliner Gazette iz Berlina, u tradiciji kulture slobodnog softvera i razmene. Izložba predstavlja umetničke odgovore na jedan od najznačajnijih događaja u skorašnjoj istoriji digitalnih prava i privatnosti podataka - otkriće NSA i GHCQ fajlova od strane Edvarda Snoudena i njegovih saradnika. Izložba predstavlja radove svetski najpoznatijih aktera novomedijske umetničke scene i tretira problem kao polaznu tačku i postavlja Snoudene objave u širi kontekst građanske aproprijacije. Umetnici koji učestvuju na izložbi tretiraju fajlove kao radni materijal i time ih uspostavljaju kao zajedničko dobro.

Izložba SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti u Novom Sadu se realizuje u produkciji i organizaciji iz Novog Sada, a u partnerskoj saradnji sa Berliner Gazette i umetnicima koji izlažu, uz podršku SULUV galerije, Akademije umetnosti Novi Sad, FMK-Fakulteta za medije i komunikacije u Beogradu, Omladinskog centra CK13 Novi Sad i DELTA VIDEO d.o.o. iz Beograda koji su ustupili pravo za besplatnu projekciju filma i uz finansijsku podršku Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije i Canada Council for the Arts. Stručna saradnica na projektu – Darija Medić (DiploFoundation).


Poziv na projekciju filmova i koncert na platou ispred prostorija u petak 21.06.2019. od 19-22h, Detelinara, Braće Mogin 2.

Poziv na projekciju filmova i koncert na platou ispred prostorija u petak 21.06.2019. od 19-22h, Detelinara, Braće Mogin 2. vas poziva na projekciju filmova Miloša Tomića i koncert na platou ispred prostorija u petak 21.06.2019. od 19-22h, Detelinara, Braće Mogin 2.


Ovim događajem započinjemo saradnju sa Milošem Tomićem, umetnikom iz Beograda, na produkciji umetničkog rada "Simfonija Detelinare" koji nastaje u saradnji sa komšijama, lokalnim muzičarima i umetnicima, kao i naturščicima i autodidaktima, koji će rezultirati audio-video radom, tj. nizom minijatura, razrađenim po temama i zabeleženim različitim nizom asocijacijacija.


Program za petak:

SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti, predavanje Evana Lajta/Evan Light, Archive In A Box, FMK, Maj 2019

SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti, predavanje Evana Lajta/Evan Light, Archive In A Box, FMK, Maj 2019


Evan Lajt (Evan Light), Toronto/Kanada.
Umetnik Dr. Evan Lajt je i asistent profesor komunikacija na Glendon koledžu, Jork Univerzitet u Torontu, Kanada. On je kreator Snowden Archive-in-a-Box, autonomne arhive datoteka i instalacija Edvarda Snoudena, koji ima za cilj da edukuje publiku o masovnom nadgledanju i kontroli. Njegovi radovi izlagani su u Berlinu, Velikoj Britaniji, Kanadi i Sjedinjenim Državama. Istraživanje Dr. Lajta ispituje savremena pitanja masovnog nadzora i međunarodnih graničnih prelaza. Član je Studija za medijski aktivizam i kritičku misao (Ryerson University, Toronto), Algoritamske medijske opservatorije i Centra za interdisciplinarna istraživanja u oblasti komunikacija (SSHRC). Njegova istraživanja i prevodi su se pojavili u časopisima Imaginations, Big Data and Society, Journal of Peer Production, Contraversias y Concurrencias Latinoamericanas, Journal of Latin American Communication Research, Commons: Revista de Comunicación y Ciudadanía Digital, Canadian Journal of Communication and Communication: Južnoafrički časopis za teoriju komunikacija i istraživanje. Evan je takođe improvizovani muzičar, svira bas i stare sintisajzere.

Dr. Evan Light, umetnik i asistent profesor komunikacija na Glendon koledžu, Jork Univerzitet u Torontu, Kanada

Predavanje Evana Lajta/Evan Light na Fakultetu za medije i komunikacije u Beogradu, 16. maj 2019.

Predavanje je prateći program izložbe:

SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti

13-24. maj 2019.

Galerija SULUV, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad


Izložba SIGNALI – Algoritmi neposlušnosti je adaptacija i svojevrsna interpretacija međunarodne izložbe kolektiva Berliner Gazette iz Berlina, u tradiciji kulture slobodnog softvera i razmene. Izložba predstavlja umetničke odgovore na jedan od najznačajnijih događaja u skorašnjoj istoriji digitalnih prava i privatnosti podataka - otkriće NSA i GHCQ fajlova od strane Edvarda Snoudena i njegovih saradnika. Izložba predstavlja radove svetski najpoznatijih aktera novomedijske umetničke scene i tretira problem kao polaznu tačku i postavlja Snoudene objave u širi kontekst građanske aproprijacije. Umetnici koji učestvuju na izložbi tretiraju fajlove kao radni materijal i time ih uspostavljaju kao zajedničko dobro.

Foto dukumentacija sa izložbe i panel diskusije: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti.

Izložba SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti u Novom Sadu se realizuje u produkciji i organizaciji iz Novog Sada, a u partnerskoj saradnji sa Berliner Gazette i umetnicima koji izlažu, uz podršku SULUV galerije, Akademije umetnosti Novi Sad, FMK-Fakulteta za medije i komunikacije u Beogradu, Omladinskog centra CK13 Novi Sad i DELTA VIDEO d.o.o. iz Beograda koji su ustupili pravo za besplatnu projekciju filma i uz finansijsku podršku Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije i Canada Council for the Arts. Stručna saradnica na projektu – Darija Medić (DiploFoundation)



SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience, lecture by Evan Light, Archive In A Box, FMK, May 2019

SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience, lecture by Evan Light, Archive In A Box, FMK, May 2019


Dr. Evan Light is a digital artist and assistant professor of communications at Glendon College, York University in Toronto, Canada. He is the creator and maintainer of the Snowden Archive-in-a-Box, an autonomous offline archive of the Edward Snowden files and installation that aims to educate audiences about mass surveillance. His work has been exhibited in Berlin, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. Dr. Light’s research examines the contemporary issues of mass surveillance and international border crossing. He is a member of the Studio for Media Activism and Critical Thought (Ryerson University, Toronto), the Algorithmic Media Observatory and the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur l’information, la communication et le société (CRISIS). His research has been funded by York University, the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Fonds de recherche société et culture. In 2017, Light’s translation of Aimé-Jules Bizimana’s The Embedding Apparatus: Media Surveillance During the War in Iraq was published by Peter Lang. His research and translations have appeared in such journals as Imaginations, Big Data and Society, Journal of Peer Production, Contraversias y Concurrencias Latinoamericanas, Journal of Latin American Communication Research, Commons: Revista de Comunicación y Ciudadanía Digital, Canadian Journal of Communication and Communication: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research. Evan is also an improvisational musician, playing bass and old synths and lives in Toronto with his partner, kids and cats.

Dr. Evan Light is a digital artist and assistant professor of communications at Glendon College, York University in Toronto, Canada

Lecture by Evan Light at the Faculty of Media and Communication in Belgrade, May 16, 2019.

The lecture is the accompanying program of the exhibition:

SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience

13-24. May 2019.

Gallery SULUV, Blvd Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad


The exhibition SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience is an adaptation and interpretation of the international exhibition Berliner Gazette from Berlin, in the tradition of free and open source software culture and exchange. The exhibition presents artistic responses to one of the most important events in the recent history of digital rights and data privacy - the discovery of NSA and GHCQ files by Edward Snowden and his associates. The exhibition presents the works of renowned actors of the new media art scene, situating the historic leak in the context of civic appropriation. Foregrounded are artists who by treating the documents, transform them into commons.

Photo ducumentation from the exhibition and panel discussion: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience.

The exhibition SIGNALS - Algorithms of Disobedience in Novi Sad is realized in the production and organization of the New media from Novi Sad in partnership with Berliner Gazette and artists who exhibit, with the support of SULUV Gallery, Academy of Arts Novi Sad, FMK-Faculty for Media and Communication, Belgrade, Youth Center CK13 Novi Sad and DELTA VIDEO d.o.o. from Belgrade who have given the right to free screening of the film and with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia and Canada Council for the Arts. Associate on project – Darija Medić (DiploFoundation). 



Photo ducumentation from the exhibition and panel discussion: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience, May 13/14, 2019., Gallery SULUV, Novi Sad

Photo ducumentation from the exhibition and panel discussion: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience, May 13/14, 2019., Gallery SULUV, Novi Sad

Photo ducumentation from the exhibition and panel discussion: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience, May 13/14, 2019., Gallery SULUV,  Novi Sad

EXHIBITION: SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience

13-24. May 2019.

Gallery SULUV, Blvd Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad


Foto dukumentacija sa izložbe i panel diskusije: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti, 13/14. maj 2019., Galerija SULUV, Novi Sad

Foto dukumentacija sa izložbe i panel diskusije: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti, 13/14. maj 2019., Galerija SULUV, Novi Sad

Foto dukumentacija sa izložbe i panel diskusije: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti, 13/14. maj 2019., Galerija SULUV,  Novi Sad

IZLOŽBA: SIGNALI - Algoritmi neposlušnosti

13-24. maj 2019.

Galerija SULUV, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad announces and recommends: Exhibition Kevin Jerome Everson, the abstract ideal, 24 May – 24 June 2019, MSUV, Novi Sad announces and recommends: Exhibition Kevin Jerome Everson, the abstract ideal, 24 May – 24 June 2019, MSUV, Novi Sad

Kevin Jerome Everson, the abstract ideal


Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina (Novi Sad, Serbia)

24 May – 24 June 2019

Opening: 24 May 2019, Friday, 19h

Exhibition tour with artist: 4 June 2019, 19h, MSUV, Novi Sad

Artist talk: 5 June 2019, 20h, Academic Film Center (AFC) at Students City Cultural Center, New Belgrade

Curator: Greg de Cuir Jr
