New Media Center invites you to Art Encounters BIENNIAL 2019 in Timisoara, Romania, friday October 25th, 2019

New Media Center invites you to:
Art Encounters BIENNIAL 2019
September 20 – October 27, 2019, Timisoara, Romania
#Independent Publishing Platform
Friday, October 25, Maria Theresia Bastion, Hector str. 4
11:00 – 12:00 Presentation by Ovidiu Hrin
12:00 – 13:00 Presentation by Balamuc
14:00 – 16:00 Guided tours by Artists and Curators, Start at The Banat Museum
16:00 – 17:00 Presentation by
17:00 – 18:00 Launch of The Biennial Publication
18:00 – 19:30 Exercises: Art and Critical Thinking* with Nita Mocanu, Youth House
#Independent Publishing Platform
This platform aims at highlighting the field of independent publishing in its full diversity. Several local, regional and national independent publishers and distributors are invited to take part in the platform and present their publications alongside a showcase of artists’ books. The three components of this platform are: the collective readings sessions, the presentation of art books published by independent initiatives, and the artists’ books display.
#Artist Books
Tatiana Fiodorova
Nicoleta Moise
#Collective Readings
The participants in the collective reading program are: Ana Bilbao (editor Afterall journal, London), editorial collective of Cutra (feminist magazine, Bucharest),Adriana Gheorghe (artist and writer, Bucharest), Delia Grigore (Romani writer, academic, and activist), Radu Pavel Gheo (writer, Timișoara), Leah Whitman Salkin(editor and co-founder 28 November, bookshop / reading room, Tirana).
#Independent publishers:
The participants in the in the platform dedicated to independent publications are: Art Encounters Foundation, Interart TRIADE Foundation (Timișoara), The most beautiful books of Romania (cultural project dedicated to book design), Balamuc (artist collective, Timișoara), Două Bufniţe (bookstore, Timișoara), Tatiana Fiodorova (artist and educator, Chișinău), Nicoleta Moise (artist, Bucharest), Tijana Savatic (poet,Belgrade), Stevan Vukovic (theorist and curator, Belgrade), IDEA Publishing House (Cluj), (artist collective, Novi Sad), PUNCH (bookstore and publisher, Bucharest / Timișoara), Institute of the Present (publisher, Bucharest), Galeria Posibilă (art gallery and publisher, Bucharest).
Curators: Maria Lind and Anca Rujoiu
Curatorial Statement
Art Encounters BIENNIAL 2019