KING OF THE FOREST OR AN ATTEMPT TO GET DIRTY A Tale "King of the Forest or an Attempt to Get Dirty", Slobodan Tišma "King of the Forest", multimedia pseudo-opera Short story: Slobodan Tišma "Trans_European Forum: Art and Media in Transition", May 2004 KING OF THE FOREST OR AN ATTEMPT TO DIRT with nature, with animal homeostasis.”Slavoj Žižek, The Sublime Object of Ideology
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Apparently, the use of terminology can lead to confusion. The term "fascism" is most often associated with the ideology and politics of Nazi Germany, but at the same time with the naming of an extreme right-wing political option in the recent past. Fascism is considered an ideology of negativity: fascism is against democracy, socialism, equality. Fascism is often seen as a militant form of right-wing extremism, which served as a justification for denying basic human rights to millions of people during World War II - the right to life, freedom of movement, and speech. A parallel study of historical revisionism in Germany and Serbia and the current socio-political situation indicates a worrying degree of growth of nationalism, right-wing extremism and fascism in both countries.
A3.Format Group 29,7x42cm.
Verica Barać
Povod za definisanje i pokretanje projekta “Mapiranje desnog ekstremizma“ je niz političkih i društvenih ekscesa u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori u poslednjih 15 godina. Ti ekscesi, zasnovani na nacionalnoj opredeljenosti i međusobnoj ne-toleranciji, u znatnoj su meri definisali trenutnu životnu stvarnost, pogotovo pripadnika mlađe populacije u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Istorijska kontraverza u vezi sa pozicijom termina “nacionalizam” našla je svoje otelotvorenje u našoj zemlji, gde se ističe njegova direktna povezanost sa etničkom tenzijom, ratovima i političkim sukobima.
Aesthetic Education Expanded - Artistic Experimentation and Political Culture in the Age of Networks
ID: Ideology of Design - The reader is published as a part of the project and exhibition Ideology of Design ( which deals with theories and practices (of industrial and graphic) design that was taking place during almost half a century of socialist Yugoslavia, and their wider social and ideological context. The curators and producers of the exhibition are New Media and it was held in Novi Sad, Serbia in the period from October 23rd to November 23rd, 2009.
The Project INDIVIDUAL UTOPIAS NOW and THEN – designed as a long-term research and production project with multidisciplinary and multimedia approaches, focused on artistic practices and different media phenomena (individual and collective) and their perception, valuation and influence on the experiences of transition societies from perspectives of different generations.
For an Idea – Against the Status Quo - Analysis and Systematization of Želimir Žilnik's Artistic Practice is an attempt to create a research platform dedicated to the problematic relationship between Žilnik's artistic engagement and political and social environment of his work from the beginning of 1967 to present. The versatile material in front of you is a starting point for further analysis, valorisation and systematization of Žilnik's cinematographic work.