Dan D, jednodnevni dizajnerski sajam mladih autora, Zagreb
Dan D, jednodnevni dizajnerski sajam mladih autora, Zagreb

Dan dizajna
Hrvatsko dizajnersko društvo organizuje jednodnevni dizajnerski sajam mladih autora koji će tom prilikom predstaviti svoj rad.
May Day Congress-Commune of Creative Workers, Moscow
May Day Congress-Commune of Creative Workers, Moscow

First Open 48-Hour May Day Congress-Commune of Creative Workers
Moscow, April 29–30, 2010
Over the course of the two days, artists, researchers, translators, teachers, curators, union activists, journalists, writers and musicians from all over Russia will take part in round-table discussions, talk-marathons, poetry readings, and concerts. In recent years, the participants have been involved in many artistic and research initiatives that address the social and economic situation of creative workers in contemporary Russian society.
Subversive Film Festival, Zagreb
Subversive Film Festival, Zagreb

Temom socijalizma baviće se treći Subversive Film Festival kroz teorijski, filmski i likovno-umetnički program. Treći Subversive Film Festival (http://www.subversivefilmfestival.com) koji će se održavati u prostorima kina Europa, Tuškanac, Grič i SC te u zgradi bivšeg MSU-a od 1. do 25. maja, posvećen je temi Socijalizma. Nakon prvog izdanja SFF-a na kojem su se bavili godišnjicom '68-e te prošlogodišnjim tematiziranjem 60.
GDE SU BILI ŠTA SU RADILI - razgovor sa Gordanom Nikolić i Natašom Vujkov
GDE SU BILI ŠTA SU RADILI - razgovor sa Gordanom Nikolić i Natašom Vujkov
ČETVRTAK, 22. april 2010. u 19h
Omladinski centar CK13
Vojvode Bojovića 13, Novi Sad
GDE SU BILI ŠTA SU RADILI - razgovor sa Gordanom Nikolić i Natašom Vujkov
Izložba "Dei leči" u Remontu
Izložba "Dei leči" u Remontu

Otvaranje izložbe: ponedeljak 19.04.2010. u 19h
Izložba iće otvorena do 22. aprila
Galerija Remont, Beograd
Izložba dokumentarnih fotogafija i video radova “Dei leči” (Ide čile), koji beleže performanse i akcije novosadskih umetnika Bore Vitorca i Dragoljuba Pavlova, nastalih od 1957. do 1965. godine, biće otvorena 19. aprila u galeriji Remont u Beogradu, kao podsećanje na opus tih umetnika o kojem se malo znalo više od 50 godina.
Knjiga: The Clandestine Histories of the OHO Group
Knjiga: The Clandestine Histories of the OHO Group

Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E.iz Ljubljane predstavlja knjigu Miška Šuvakovića: 'The Clandestine Histories of the OHO Group', 2010
Institutional Attitudes in Brussels
Institutional Attitudes in Brussels

The Comité van Roosendaal is proud to announce its first public activity, the two-day conference Institutional Attitudes to take place on 24 and 25 April in de Beursschouwburg in Brussels, coinciding with Art Brussels.
Art & Labour Summit, April 22nd
Art & Labour Summit, April 22nd

Art & Labour Summit: Cultural Workers, Artists, Students, and Interns Meet to Organise, Name Names, and Coordinate Demands
Thursday April 22nd, 6pm-9pm
Cell Projects Space
258 Cambridge Heath Road, London E2 9DA
Free entry and all welcome
Communism Afterlives: Part II
Communism Afterlives: Part II

The seminar will take place in Brussels and Paris, in both cases at The Public School.
Brussels April 23rd, 3-6pm
Participants: Agency, Dessislava Dimova, Albert Heta, Olga Kisseleva
for more information please follow the link: http://brussels.thepublicschool.org/class/2336
Paris April 24th, 3-6pm
Participants: Pietro Bianchi, Renata Poljak, Société Réaliste, Oxana Timofeeva
for more information, please follow the link: http://paris.thepublicschool.org/class/1773
Tribina: Represija i montirani sudski procesi
Tribina: Represija i montirani sudski procesi
Kampanja protiv političke represije - REPRESIJA I MONTIRANI SUDSKI PROCESI
Utorak, 20.04.2010. u 17h
Omladinski centar CK13
Vojvode Bojovića 13, Novi Sad
Dan Perjovschi - CHALK REALITY u MSUV
Dan Perjovschi - CHALK REALITY u MSUV

Dan Perjovschi - CHALK REALITY
crtež - instalacija/drawing- installation
Otvaranje: 9. april 2010. u 19.00
Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine, Dunavska 37
Kustoskinja izložbe: Svetlana Mladenov
Kustoskinja saradnica: Ileana Pintilie
Trajanje izložbe: 09. april do 05. maj 2010.
Dan Peržovski (Dan Perjovschi) jedan je od retkih rumunskih umetnika koji je uspeo da izgradi međunarodnu karijeru ne napuštajući svoju zemlju.
WHW, Situacija suvremene armenske umjetnosti
WHW, Situacija suvremene armenske umjetnosti

Galerija Nova, Teslina 7, Zagreb
ponedjeljak, 29.3.2010, 19 h
Ruben Arevšatjan
Situacija suvremene armenske umjetnosti ili Trajni otpor u kontekstu trajnih tranzicija
Centar za nove medije_kuda.org i Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine vas pozivaju na otvaranje izložbe:
umetnice Lale Raščić (Sarajevo, Zagreb, Nju Orleans)
Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine, Novi Sad
Dunavska 37, Novi Sad
Izložba je otvorena: 02. - 10. april 2010.
Otvaranje izložbe i performans Lale Raščić:
Petak 02. april u 19:00 časova
n.e.w.s. - Paid Usership forum
n.e.w.s. - Paid Usership forum

n.e.w.s. is a collective online platform for the analysis and development of art-related activity, drawing upon contributions from around the globe, bringing together different voices, accents and outlooks from the North, East, West and South. Comments and feedback welcome! Please sign up as a user and contribute and/or subscribe to our newsletter for further announcements.
Paid Usership
March 21- May 1
Gostovanje Žaka Ransijera u Beogradu
Gostovanje Žaka Ransijera u Beogradu
Mislilac jednakosti i emancipacije, Žak RANSIJER ostavlja već danas neizbrisiv trag na terenu primenjene pedagogije, politike, estetike.
29.03, u 20h, Narodni univerzitet „Božidar Adžija”, predavanje:
„Metoda jednakosti: politika i poetika”
Toward a Global Autonomous University
Toward a Global Autonomous University

25 March 2010, 8pm at Galerie Schijnheilig
Passeerdersgracht 23, Amsterdam
Conversation and presentation of the book:
Cognitive Labor, The Production of Knowledge and Exodus from the Education Factory
(New York: Autonomedia, 2009) edited by the Edu-factory collective
Edu-Factory is a transnational collective engaged with the transformations of the global university and conflicts in knowledge production. The website of the global network (www.edu-factory.org) connects investigations and reports from university struggles.
Critical Point of View: Second international conference of the CPOV Wikipedia Research Initiative
Critical Point of View: Second international conference of the CPOV Wikipedia Research Initiative

Date: 26-27 March 2010
Location: OBA (Public Library Amsterdam, next to Amsterdam central station), Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam
Organized by: the Institute of Network Cultures Amsterdam, in cooperation with the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, India.
Website: www.networkcultures.org/cpov
Discussion List: http://p10.alfaservers.com/mailman/listinfo/cpov_listcultures.org
Deep Search: The Politics of Search Beyond Google
Deep Search: The Politics of Search Beyond Google

A Publication of Word-Information Institute: http://world-information.org/wii
Konrad Becker/ Felix Stalder [eds.] Studienverlag & Transaction Publishers, 2009. 220 pages. ISBN 978-3-7065-4795-6
Information is useless if it cannot be found and it is not a co-incidence that a search engine like Google has turned into one of the most significant companies of the new century. These engines are never just practical tools to deal with information overload. Such cognitive technologies embed political philosophy in seemingly neutral code.
Letnja škola 2010: Izgubljeni u “tranziciji”
Letnja škola 2010: Izgubljeni u “tranziciji”

U organizaciji Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (Beograd) u saradnji sa Alternativnom Kulturnom Organizacijom – AKO (Novi Sad)
“Tranzicija” predstavlja najčešće upotrebljavani termin za opisivanje promena u istočnoj i jugoistočnoj Evropi od pada Berlinskog zida 1989. godine. U medijima, politici i društvenim naukama, ovaj termin je uobičajeno korišćen za opisivanje transformacije društava iz autoritarnog sistema državnog socijalizma, u demokratska i liberalna društva.
Boris Groys, The Communist Postcript
Boris Groys, The Communist Postcript

The Communist Postcript
by Boris Groys
translated by Thomas Ford
January 2010
Published by: Verso, www.versobooks.com/books/ghij/g-titles/groys_boris_the_communist_postscr...
Provocative essay on the relationship between communism, philosophy and language
The contemporary world, argues Boris Groys, was made possible by the downfall of historical communism. At the same time, today’s political and aesthetic strategies — from a unified Europe to political Islam and contemporary mass culture — all bear the imprint of communist heritage.
Izložba - Autopsia: Ogledalo uništenja
Izložba - Autopsia: Ogledalo uništenja

Izložba - Autopsia: Ogledalo uništenja
11. mart – 11. April 2010.
Otvaranje izložbe: Četvrtak, 11. mart 2010. u 20.00
Kustos izložbe: Dejan Sretenović
Salon Muzeja savremene umetnosti, Pariska 14, Beograd
In between the movements, Martin Krenn
In between the movements, Martin Krenn

Center for Contemporary Arts Celje, Slovenia
Martin Krenn
In between the movements
Likovni salon, 11.3. – 11.4.2010
Društvo u pokretu - Novi društveni pokreti u Jugoslaviji od 1968 do danas
Društvo u pokretu - Novi društveni pokreti u Jugoslaviji od 1968 do danas

Zbornik radova sa konferencije “1968 i novi socijalni pokreti u Jugoslaviji” održane 12-14 juna 2009. u Novom Sadu (Kino sala MSUV)
Film - Comuna Under Construction
Film - Comuna Under Construction

Comuna Under Construction | Comuna im Aufbau | Comuna en construcción
A Film by | Ein Film von | Una película de Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler
94 min., 2010
A film by Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler
94 min., 2010
Performing stream, radionica Nadhan Chirco
Performing stream, radionica Nadhan Chirco

PERFORMING STREAM / Radionica NHANDAN CHIRCO Akademija umetnosti NOVI SAD 20 - 21. mart / 11-15h INFO : [email protected] +381 (0)64 8208419 / +381 (0)62 507930 O radionici: