RESIDENCY CULTURE - The Exhibition and Open Talks

The exhibition RESIDENCY CULTURE in Novi Sad
02. - 10. June, 2010.
Opening of the exhibition: Wednesday, 02th of June, 08 pm
Open talks "Residency Culture": Thursday, 03rd of June, 15:00 – 20:00h
Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Dunavska 37, Novi Sad
The exhibition "Residency Culture" is consisted of artists taking part in programs Opening Our Closed Shops and Schloss Solitude. Exhibition will show artists’ production developed and produced both during residency time but also production that is developed during “everyday life” time.
Bernhard Herbordt & Melanie Mohren, DE / Min Kyoung Lee, KOR/ Darinka Pop-Mitić, SRB / Karol Radziszewski, PL / Dubravka Sekulić, SRB / Helene Sommer, NOR / Nataša Vujkov, SRB
Open talks "Residency Culture": Thursday, 03rd of June, 15:00 – 20:00h
Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Dunavska 37, Novi Sad
In what ways exactly, artists have benefits from residency programs? How mobility functions
as an agent for creating a future European identity? Is residency nomadism model for future
artists? Where is the line between tourism and escapism in today’s residency culture? What
is considered production in residency programs? Is residency a factory, a place for leisure, or
slacking? Is residency time a paid vacation for precarious artists, or paid time to concentrate on
own work between real life jobs?
Open talks on “Residency culture” will evaluate experiences of artists and organizers of
residency programs. Workshop will examine cultural, social and political impacts of “residency
culture” and its primary goal to foster cultural mobility and exchange. It will focus on residency
expectations, urge for artists’ harvesting and digesting experiences, and delivering synthesized
Nadine Jäger, DE / Min Kyoung Lee, KOR / Kristian Lukić, SRB/ Bernhard Herbordt & Melanie Mohren, DE / Karol Radziszewski, PL / Danilo Prnjat, SRB / Milan Aleksić, SRB / Kaiwan Mehta, IND /Nebojša Milikić, SRB / Jasna Jovićević, SRB / Zoran Pantelić, SRB
First session: Residency Culture 15:00 – 17:00
First session of workshops will gather representatives of different residency practices, organizations and those who have experience and expertise in organizing residency programmes across Europe.
Coffee break: 17:00 – 18:00
Second session: Experiences in practice 18:00 – 20:00
Second session will gather artists, writers, theoreticians, those who have direct benefit from
residency programmes, and can present their experience from various residency projects.
Opening Our Closed Shops
Artist exchange program “Opening Our Closed Shops” derived from Academy Schloss Solitude program, aiming to develop a new model of artists exchange on the institutional level in different European regions, connect to other centers in Central and Eastern Europe breaking stereotypes of the (un)expected when it comes to Central and Eastern Europe.
Since 2008 the program “Opening Our Closed Shops” developed bilateral exchange between artists of the Academy Schloss Solitude and partner organizations in Warsaw, Budapest, Bucharest, Sofia and Novi Sad, and multilateral exchange of artists between partner organizations and countries that have not been able to collaborate in the field of contemporary art practice so far.
Quarterly artists visits are realized through “Opening Our Closed Shops” program which enables creative work, experience exchange, artistic production and promotion of artists. This program is significant because it applies to all disciplines in the field of contemporary culture and art, and makes possible the exchange of artists in all disciplines (film, video, photography, dramaturgy, directing, design, painting, graphic print, sculpture, multimedia, music (performers, composers) literature, dance, etc.).
New Media, Novi Sad
Institute for culture Vojvodina, Novi Sad
Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad
Partners in the program "Opening Our Closed Shops":
Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart
a-and-r laboratory, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
József Attila Circle, Budapest
Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange, Budapest
Inter Space Media Art Centar, Sofia
Centar za nove, Novi Sad
The exhibition and public discussion in the framework of "Opening Our Closed Shops" are implemented with the support of Allianz Kulturstiftung Foundation.
Opening hours:
Tuesdays – Sundays
09.00 – 17.00
Monday closed.