Travel lab Peripheral Visions, April 2024 Göteborg, Sweeden

Travel lab, April 2024 Göteborg, Sweeden
Peripheral Visions: Towards Trans(l)national Publishing Culture: workshop and public presentation of the book
“We publish to find comrades."
André Breton quote in a text by Stevphen Shukaitis
Austerity measures changed the landscape into more institutional, mainstream. Autonomous practices disappearing, peripheral voices are being shut down more and more. Shifting publishing practices into embedded publishing is survivor mode for small organisation and their communities in order to to observe these changes, models and methodes and empower a critical voice.
EMBEDDED PUBLISHING. Editoriality and the future of small presses
Wednesday, April 10 from 15:00h
Göteborgs Litteraturhus
Heurlins plats 1b
Göteborg, Sweeden
Presentation and conversation of of publishing practices and methodologies. In the workshop, Miljenka Buljevic (Kluturtreger/Zagreb) will showcase a study on embedded publishing, with presentation by Karin Dallborg (Nätverkstan) on small presses and publishing initiatives in Western Sweden. In addition Nils Olsson (Gothenburg University and Glänta) will present on the concept of editoriality. The participants are invited to exchange different types of knowledge and practice through examples of their publishing activities.
Public event
A lecture by Boris Buden with a guest appearance by Olivera Jokić (via zoom)
Past: An Introduction to the Problem. Želimir Žilnik on Film, Communism, and Former Yugoslavia
Wednesday, April 10 at 18:30h
Göteborgs Litteraturhus
Heurlins plats 1b
Göteborg, Sweeden
“This is not a book about the past. It is an introduction to a problem called the past.”
Boris Buden
”...But what if the reality was quite different? And what if we are unable today to recognize this difference, to deal with it critically, and to incorporate its meaning into our historical experience? To repeat: into our historical experience! note into the past. Our past as we know it would not stand for such a difference anyway....”
Boris Buden, in the preface to "Past: An Introduction to the Problem" 2024
In this book launch lecture Buden will examine the social, cultural, and intellectual heritage of former Yugoslavia. It is part of a research program that provides a new reading of the progressive practices of the Neo-Avant Garde of today, and opens a new way of communication between these practices and contemporary art production.
Boris Buden is a cultural critic and philosopher based in Berlin. He teaches cultural theory at Bauhaus University and regularly publishes essays in German, English and French. Additionally, he became known for his work as a translator, specifically in bringing Freud's writings into the Croatian language. His latest books include "Transition to Nowhere: Art in History After 1989" (Archive Books, 2020). This lecture is based on his newly published "Past: An Introduction to the Problem".
Olivera Jokić is an Associate Professor of English at John Jay College of the City University of New York. She writes and teaches on gender, colonialism, and eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature.
The book was produced by
Boris Buden, who wrote the essays and conducted conversations with Želimir Žilnik
Želimir Žilnik, who answered Boris Buden’s questions, orally and in writing
Hito Steyerl, who recorded conversations between BB and ŽŽ
Olivera Jokić, who translated the book into English, re-edited and significantly improved the text, the book’s initiators, who edited, redacted, and coordinated the work of book creation
New Media; Novi Sad, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-88567-41-1
Multimedia Institute — MaMa, Zagreb, Croatia, ISBN (mi2) 978-953-8469-13-8
Iskra Books, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, ISBN 979-8-8691-9071-0
This publication is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Research Advisory Emil Kerenji
Sarita Matijević Žilnik, Playground produkcija Novi Sad
Copyediting Taylor R. Genovese, Iskra Books
Design & layout Dejan Kršić
typefaces Bara Micro • Chairman • Link [ all by Nikola Đurek / typotheque ]
Travel lab is organised in partnership cooperation with Kulturtreger and Multimedia Institute from Zagreb and Glänta as associated partner in EU project "Peripheral Visions: Towards Trans(l)national Publishing Culture".
The project is supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. The participation is co-funded by the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Serbia, Administration for culture City of Novi Sad, Foundation for Art Initiatives.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.