So you wanna be... something.

So you wanna be... something.
There is that rage guild wars money again and I feel a rant coming on, guild

wars gold so everybody not in the buy guild wars gold mood abandon ship and the rest all hope for guildwars gold here goes nothing:
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So you wanna be... something.

The other day I was feeling guild wars money charitable and helped guild wars

gold a guildmate do the beloved The Last buy guild wars gold Day Dawns Titan Quest. It has become rather

difficult to find decent help (not that it was ever guildwars gold especially easy with that quest), but cheap guild wars gold finally we did manage to scrounge guild wars

money up a warrior.

That warrior was a piece of work.

To quickly recap that setting of last day buy guild wars gold dawns: guild

wars gold wandering bands of titans, with guild wars money hells very own zippo cheap guild wars gold lighters in the form of sparks of the titans and some mesmer charrs with guildwars gold backfire and scourge healing, always a favourite. You only have a team of four (unless you start from Yaks

Bend and that is way too much running for my taste) and thus everybody needs to pull their weight in this mission. guild wars money Halfway in it, while everybody was having a mild form of hysteria guild wars gold due to the insane amount of monsters cheap guild wars gold

around, I suddenly notice that the warrior/monk was smiting of all things. As I have stated guild wars money

before, I am not a terrible fan of
smiting, there might be a niche for it in PvP buy guild wars gold or in the cheap guild wars gold rather seldom case guildwars gold of an overabundance

of monks, but in my opinion that's it. And it was definetly not appropriate for a guild wars money warrior in

Last Day Dawns. After the rather buy guild wars gold messy defeat we cheap guild wars gold suffered due to the fact that our warrior felt guild wars money compelled to impersonate the clergy, I felt a dire need to vent and it is so nice of you guild wars gold to partake in this endeavour.

To prevent the next generation of Guild Wars players to spring guild wars gold such nasty surprises on a poor, humble

monk like me, I would like guild wars money to share my views of the classes in their buy guild wars gold most pure form. I will not be talking builds or subclasses, for that there are other, more

professional cheap guild wars gold resources out there, no, I will just give guild wars gold you a general idea buy guild wars gold what the classes
can and can't. As always I will try to guild wars money use short, simple sentences to guildwars gold accommodate the attention span of the video clip generation.

Let's start with the point of origin guild wars money for this particular article:

The Warrior
You are somewhat bulky, you clank a lot and even buy guild wars gold the girls are a touch guildwars gold masculine. Your primary attribute is cheap guild wars gold

strength, enhancing linked skills and giving extra guild wars money armour penetration.
You have hands down the best armour in the game in terms of raw guild wars gold numbers (and I don't want to hear about

that earth ele again, ever! ;-) and that whole buy guild wars gold list should by now have given guildwars gold you a vague idea what your role guild wars money in the scheme

of things cheap guild wars gold is: here is another hint, smiting is not even remotely in the vicinity!

No, you are the first and often last line of defense for all the fragile casters and tree huggers cowering cheap

guild wars gold in your shadow. Whenever the big bad brutes start dishing guild wars money out blows that

would smash other classes, you just take it, grunt and guildwars gold start hitting back. You are the sword that slays,

the axe that cuts and the buy guild wars gold hammer that fells. You are what keeps the baddies occupied

whenever guild wars gold they get the wrong idea and try to guild wars money

take a bite cheap guild wars gold out of that tasty caster behind you. As long as you stand none shall pass and

only your cold dead buy guild wars gold corpse will guild wars

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The best warrior knows his enemies and calls accordingly, depriving the opposition guildwars gold of their support

casters, all the while keeping the melee fighters occupied. But buy guild wars gold as harsh as this truth may

be: you are NOT the main damage dealer of the party. That crown is cheap guild wars gold reserved for another

class. You have the unenviable task of keeping every enemy entertained, so that the rest guild wars gold of the party can

do their job without having to dodge blows. To reach that goal you will need a healthy mix guild wars money of

offensive and *especially* defensive skills. buy guild wars gold Conserving health and evading damage

significantly extends your life span cheap guild wars gold and only a living warrior can be sword guildwars gold and shield for others.

The Elementalist
You are the heat of fire and the guild wars money cold of ice, you are the cheap guild wars gold crushing embrace of guildwars gold earth and the fury

of lightning. You command vast powers and for that your primary attribute is buy guild wars gold energy

storage, enhancing the much needed energy. You actually kill guildwars gold things, lots and lots and lots of things.

Either by area of effect or by pinpoint damage. But you have no place in the front buy guild wars gold lines,

you are way too fragile for that, armour-wise, but whenever the heat is cheap guild wars gold on for the

warrior amidst dozens of beasties, your mastery of the elements will save the guild wars gold day, burning, freezing, buy guild wars gold crushing or shocking the guild wars money way to


You hurt the enemy and the enemy cheap guild wars gold is very aware of that fact. guild wars gold Subsequently drawing undue attention to your person is definetly NOT recommended. The first and last glimpse

of you buy guild wars gold should be the meteor guildwars gold burying

the buy guild wars gold opposition, not your scantily guild wars

money clad and armoured butt anywhere near one of those red dots in the cheap guild wars gold upper right

corner of the screen.

Energy management is the crucial factor for an elementalist, for without energy you are useless. A warrior cheap

guild wars gold without energy or adrenaline can still fullfill his role as a road guild wars money block,

you are just dead weight and more often guild wars gold than not just dead. Therefore spells which lead to exhaustion

should be carefully managed and buy guild wars gold as always something guild wars money to block or heal guildwars gold damage should be brought

along, because the baddies *will* hunt buy guild wars gold you if given half a chance guild wars money and even the cheap guild wars gold best warrior

cannot hold them all.

The Mesmer
There are many reasons to like cheap guild wars gold mesmers, for starters they have it guild wars gold in them to ruin just about guild wars money everbodys day,

permanently. They can take away the enemies energy, guildwars gold adrenaline and health, their ability to cast, to hit

and even to live. With fast casting they buy guild wars gold can pile a staggering
amount of hexes on a single buy guild wars gold target in breathtakingly guild wars money short amount of guild wars gold time and damn do they look

good doing cheap guild wars gold that... the girls guild wars

money that is, we will not talk about guildwars gold the guys... or their
dancing... ever.

While the warrior and the elementalist may be considered guildwars gold broadswords, taking on vast amounts of enemies,

you are a more specialised tool. Consider yourself to be a rapier, cheap guild wars gold a more elegant weapon

of a more civilized time (I just had to, it fit guildwars gold too perfectly). While you can buy guild wars gold take on a bunch of beasties, you truly shine in removing a single threat, cheap guild wars gold frustrating every attempt to cast or guild wars gold

hit. A skilled mesmer will counter every move guild wars money of the enemy, interrupting and degenerating buy guild wars gold every try, until there is nothing left but checkmate and the coup de grace.

Aforementioned ability is very unpopular guild wars money with the opposition. In PvP they will go to

considerable trouble to prevent you from preventing them, to the point of your death if possible. Subsequently you, as any caster, should be aware of self buy guild wars gold preservation. Since you don't have the comparable luxury of area of cheap guild wars gold effects spells like an elementalist, guild wars

money you should be very careful in choosing guild wars gold your targets. Enemy cheap guild wars gold elementalists, guild wars money healers, other

mesmers and
casters should be the general order of the day. Think guild wars money Erroll Flynn, not Conan: not raw

strength, guildwars gold but finesse. Simple guild wars money death will

just not do, the howls of frustration and the wails of buy guild wars gold incapacity are the music you are

looking for.

The Ranger
You are the arrow from afar, the trap beneath their feet, unleashing guildwars gold natures spirits and beasts upon your

foes. Aiding you in that regard is your primary attribute guild wars money expertise, decreasing the energy cost

of buy guild wars gold your skills and thus guild wars gold helping your

somewhat cheap guild wars gold limited fighter energy pool. guild wars

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certain sheriff of sherwood.

You are something of a jack of all guild wars money trades: you can interrupt like a mesmer guildwars gold or have some nifty area of effect damage like an elementalist. You buy guild wars gold have the best range of any class with
a longbow and can do really interesting things with spirits. The guildwars gold latter and especially traps distinguish

your profession, thus an effort should be made to harness that guild wars money for the party. A cheap guild wars gold level 20 pet rampaging through the opposition is nice too of course.

Your role in the scheme of things is less clear cut. People tend to guildwars gold overlook your contribution, because

rangers are too smart to stand in the guild wars money huge pile of monsters in the forefront cheap guild wars gold and too modest to hurl around lightning. Pulling guild wars

gold monsters to the party and into carefully laid traps is what only a ranger can do to perfection. Being the touch of excellence to cover up a partys

weaknesses buy guild wars gold is your calling, demanding cheap

guild wars gold a greater flexibility than any other class.

The Necromancer
The grave is no bar to your call, for what guild wars money once has lived shall rise guildwars gold again in your service. Blood and curses are your gifts and death as your master rewards you buy guild wars gold well for sending things to its domain. Soul reaping as your primary guild wars gold attribute grants you guild wars money energy whenever things,

cheap guild wars gold any things, die around you.

Your excellence in two particular areas guild wars money has led to certain expectations guildwars gold of your profession. You either curse with the best of them or are a lord of the undead. Especially the buy guild wars gold latter is greatly appreciated in a suitably corpse guild wars

gold rich PvE environment. Killing foes quickly cheap guild wars gold and taking a huge load of pressure

off of the party monks, by providing an guild wars money extraordinary meatshield.

It might not be fair, but you are cheap guild wars gold just too damn good at what you do not to guildwars gold be doing it. You are also the only profession to guild wars

money raise anothers energy through a buy guild wars gold spell, so that is always
appreciated too. Raise your minions and let the slaughter begin! Somewhere, guild wars gold somehow, death is laughing...

The Monk
The monks credo is simple: as long as guild wars money you stand, buy

guild wars gold none shall fall for you are the resurrection and the life. Not ending the latter, but preserving it is your calling. The monsters cheap guild wars gold out there guild wars money are none of your

concern, their guild wars gold fate trivial. Your sole raison d'etre is keeping cheap guild wars gold everybody standing or at least let them rise guildwars

gold again. Not in that dark parody of the necromancer, but as a true child of Dwayna, whole guild wars

money and healthy. Thus she has blessed you with her Divine guild wars money Favor, enhancing every buy guild wars gold spell with extra healing.

You are a healer and protector, not a killer. If you guild wars money want to kill things, guild wars gold you are in the wrong job. You embody and preserve the life of the cheap guild wars gold whole party, so anybody buy guild wars gold

killing you is effectively killing the party. People and monster know that. Subsequently you should make that task especially difficult, preferably by not

being guildwars gold anywhere close to the action.

You are not there to go toe cheap guild wars gold to toe with the baddies,

guildwars gold you have your people for that. And those people are your main and only concern. guild wars

money Whenever you put yourself in a buy guild wars gold position to be cheap guild wars gold requiring attention yourself, you are not guild wars

gold doing your job properly. Come to grips with the fact that you are the guild wars money only profession,

which is expected to buy guild wars gold truly take care of itself.
Everybody else has the luxury to whine for a monk. Everybody guild wars gold but you. But at the same time cheap guild wars gold you are the absolute lynchpin of the party: if you screw up, guild wars money everybody is screwed so buy guild wars gold please

don't. They are all guild wars money counting on you.

That's it for the core classes. The rest will perhaps follow, guildwars gold but this thing is too damn cheap guild wars gold long already

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