1:Aedelas Blackmoore

1:Aedelas Blackmoore
Aedelas Blackmoore was buy wow gold the master of the internment camps wow gold used to hold captive orcs, and an officer of buy wow gold the Alliance army, rising to the World of Warcraft

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Appears in Warcraft: Lord of the Clans
2: Aegwynn (Magna Aegwynn)
Magna Aegwynn, wow gold Matriarch of Tirisfal, bears the secret guilt cheap wow gold for all the misfortune that has befallen Azeroth. The cheap wow gold Order of Tirisfal was originally forged by the High Elves to secretly protect wow gold the world from crimes buy

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Appears in the novelization Warcraft: The Last Guardian
Appears in the novelization Cycle of Hatred
Before the orcs' corruption, World of Warcraft Gold Akama was a draenei priest World of Warcraft Gold at the Temple of Karabor. He was present wowgoldwhen the orcs assaulted

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Akama became the jailor for Illidan's wow money hated nemesis, Maiev Shadowsong, wow money at a place called the Warden's Cage in Shadowmoon Valley, west of the Black Temple.

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Akama's name World of Warcraft Gold is believed to cheap wow gold be a play on words; the draenei in Warcraft III wow

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kama, which was eventually wow gold combined for his name) - the other World of Warcraft Gold weapon in his hand, as seen in cheap wow gold World of Warcraft, is wow gold some kind of axe.

Appears in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Appears in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
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