workshop 04: Open Source Audio Tools: Free Software for Free Sound, Derek Holzer (NL)

  • kuda.
  • kuda.

There are many programs for sound and multimedia production, but few of them can really be customized by the user. Fewer still are free to download, use and share. Free and Open Source Software provides a real alternative to expensive commercial software and professional gear. This workshop will cover the free software philosophy, Linux audio basics, sound recording and editing techniques, and how to program your own music tools using pure-data. Participants will use these programs to transform sounds of voices, instruments and recordings in real time, while at the same time learning how the computer makes this possible.

The complete documentation of the Linux audio workshops held in Pula, Rijeka, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Novi Sad:

Derek Holzer (NL), sound and audio artist is a sound and radio artist with a background in free radio, and streaming media technologies. He was involved with some of the first experiments in Hungary (Pararadio) and Czech republic (Radio Jeleni). He has also worked with Re-Lab, a group in Latvia who gradually shifted their focus towards broader issues of 'acoustic spaces' and networked audio communications. In august 2001, Derek participated in the Acoustic Space Lab, which brought together an international team of 30 sound artists, community radio activists, and scientists to experiment with a 32 meter antenna, recording sounds and data from planets, communication satellites and the surrounding environment. Recently, his work has focused on capturing and transforming small, unnoticed sounds from various natural and urban locations , and on the electromagnetic resonances in our everyday environment , as well as the use of Free Software such as Pure-Data.

Performance: Resonancity Novi Sad, Derek Holzer, Tuesday, 21.October 2003.
In our everyday lives, there are many sounds which slip past our notice simply because they are too small, or because we lack the proper receivers to pick them up. 'Resonancity' is an ongoing project to gather these microscopic sounds from various cities, and to amplify and transform them. The goal is to build a new city of sound inside the old one, and to inspire curiosity and exploration of one's own environment. Derek Holzer, during his visit to Novi Sad, discovered processual and conceptual art pieces from some artist that were working during seventies here. He's found out that his way of thinking and creating of music like process is very much in connection with conceptual way of creating art. Visual support of his perfomance were parts of works by Slavko Bogdanović, Slobodan Tišma, Miroslav Mandić, grupa KOD and E KOD, itd.
