workshop 03: Food/Collaboration/Communication, Nat Muller (NL)

  • kuda.
  • kuda.

Besides subjects such as gender, technology, midleeast politics, creating of 'responsive environment', Nat Muller is interested as well in food as a social communication. Collaborative work is one of the most important subjects, and it usualy includes: immersion, holistic view, parallell working channels, etc. Further, collaborative work is a platform for creative process, that includes: generating ideas, problem finding and formulation, applying strategies of innovation, acquiring new methods and skills, using experts' knowledge, etc. Workshop in has as its aim, creation of specific social/interactive environment, that has rezulted in collaborative work of workshop's attendantes. Based on food that everyone have brought and they affinities, working groups are formed, mostly based on epithes such as: colour, taste, easyness, shape, etc. around 10 meals were prepared and all have dissapeared during diner.

Nat Muller is a freelance writer, curator, producer, critic and delight-maker. She holds a ba from Tel-Aviv University (Israel) in English literature and a MA in Queer and gender theory from Sussex University (UK). She has worked as a sex educator, bookshopkeeper, freelance journalist and as project manager and curator at V2_Organisation, Institute for Unstable Media in Rotterdam, and Axis: bureau for gender and the arts in Amsterdam for which she recently edited the reader Ctrl+shift art - Ctrl+shift gender: Convergences of new media, art and gender. Nat has published articles in off-and online media and has given presentations on the subject of media technology, art, and gender (inter)nationally. Currently she is a researcher at the theory department of the Jan van Eyck academy in Maastricht, and founding member of Stichting Foam in Amsterdam, sister organisation of Foam vzw. Her main interests include: user research in responsive environments; the creation of new public contexts; food and social communication; gender and technology; and Middle-Eastern politics.

Nat Muller:

Date of the workshop: 29.06.03.
Place:, new media center
