- Artist organisation (36) Apply Artist organisation filter
- Vectors of Collective Imagination (34) Apply Vectors of Collective Imagination filter
- Networks & initiatives (27) Apply Networks & initiatives filter
- Novi oblici istraživanja savremene muzike (24) Apply Novi oblici istraživanja savremene muzike filter
- Aesthetic Education Expanded, 2015-17 (20) Apply Aesthetic Education Expanded, 2015-17 filter
- kuda.read publications (16) Apply kuda.read publications filter
- Projects (15) Apply Projects filter
- Peripheral Visions - towards a trans(l)national publishing culture (14) Apply Peripheral Visions - towards a trans(l)national publishing culture filter
- The Continuous Art Class, 2005 (13) Apply The Continuous Art Class, 2005 filter
- kuda.lounge archive (12) Apply kuda.lounge archive filter
- Aesthetic Education Expanded, 2012-14 (7) Apply Aesthetic Education Expanded, 2012-14 filter
- Art Always Has Its Consequences, 2008-2010 (7) Apply Art Always Has Its Consequences, 2008-2010 filter
- Individual Utopia Now and Then, 2009-11 (7) Apply Individual Utopia Now and Then, 2009-11 filter
- Political practices of (post-) Yugoslav art, 2009 (6) Apply Political practices of (post-) Yugoslav art, 2009 filter
- Residency programs, since 2003 (6) Apply Residency programs, since 2003 filter
- ID: Ideology of Design, 2010 (3) Apply ID: Ideology of Design, 2010 filter
- INtoOUTREACH, 2011-12 (3) Apply INtoOUTREACH, 2011-12 filter
- Local politics (3) Apply Local politics filter
- Publications "The Continuous Art Class" (3) Apply Publications "The Continuous Art Class" filter
- Resource Center for Local Activism (3) Apply Resource Center for Local Activism filter
- Art production "The Continuous Art Class" (2) Apply Art production "The Continuous Art Class" filter
- Lokalne politike i urbana samouprava (2) Apply Lokalne politike i urbana samouprava filter
- World-Information.Org, 2003 (2) Apply World-Information.Org, 2003 filter
- Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies, 2005 (1) Apply Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies, 2005 filter
- Conference „Trans_European Picnic“, 2004 (1) Apply Conference „Trans_European Picnic“, 2004 filter
- Dictionary of War, 2008 (1) Apply Dictionary of War, 2008 filter
- Exhibition "I love you [rev.eng]", 2006 (1) Apply Exhibition "I love you [rev.eng]", 2006 filter
- Exhibitions "Media Ontology" (1) Apply Exhibitions "Media Ontology" filter
- Exhibitions "The Continuous Art Class" (1) Apply Exhibitions "The Continuous Art Class" filter
- LOST & FoUND / Izgubljeno-Nađeno (1) Apply LOST & FoUND / Izgubljeno-Nađeno filter
- Mapping of Right-Wing Extremism, 2004 (1) Apply Mapping of Right-Wing Extremism, 2004 filter
- Media art practice collection of MoCAV, 2010 (1) Apply Media art practice collection of MoCAV, 2010 filter
- Mobile Lab, 2006 (1) Apply Mobile Lab, 2006 filter
Aesthetic Education Expanded - Artistic Experimentation and Political Culture in the Age of Networks
How can you be at home in an alien world? November 2 - 3, 2011, 9 AM - 11 PM, Felix Meritis, Amsterdam http://www.skor.nl/eng/news
Critique of Creativity Precarity, Subjectivity and Resistance in the ‘Creative Industries’ Gerald Raunig, Gene Ray and Ulf Wuggenig (eds) London: mayfly 2011, 234 pages
Darinka Pop-Mitic, an artist from Belgrade, spent her residency in Warsaw in 2009.
The Media Practice Collection MSUV Curators: Kristian Lukić, Centar za nove medije_kuda.org 02. novembar – 02. decembar 2010. Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Dunavska 37, Novi Sad. Opening: Tuesday, 2nd of November at 19:00h Artists: Asocijacija Apsolutno, Heath Bunting, Vuk Ćosić, Vladan Joler, Stevan Kojić, Bogdanka Poznanović, PP Group (Katarina Šević, Zita Majoroš), Predrag Šiđanin, Andrej Tišma, Vladimir Todorović, Vacuum Pack
ID: Ideology of Design - The reader is published as a part of the project and exhibition Ideology of Design (www.kuda.org/en/id-e) which deals with theories and practices (of industrial and graphic) design that was taking place during almost half a century of socialist Yugoslavia, and their wider social and ideological context. The curators and producers of the exhibition are New Media Center_kuda.org and it was held in Novi Sad, Serbia in the period from October 23rd to November 23rd, 2009.
Exhibition ID: Ideology of Design, Curators and production of the exhibition: New Media Center_kuda.org, 23 October – 23 November 2009, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Dunavska St. 37, Novi Sad. More about the project: http://www.kuda.org/en/exhibition-id-ideology-design
The Old School of Capitalism, Screening and Discussion with Želimir Žilnik and Boris Buden Creating Worlds Discursive Lines / kinokis mikrokino #174 About project "Creating Worlds": http://eipcp.net/projects/creatingworlds/files/about 22. jun. 2010, 20.00 Depot, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Beč
The film is on view right now at the exhibition project The Potosí Principle;(Museum Reina Sophia in Madrid) and will be screened soon in Zagreb in a framework of the first Chto Delat solo show "What is to be done? ... The urgent need to struggle. Part 01" at the Galerije Nova in Zagreb (opens on 8th of June) and then at the conference "The idea of Communism" at Volksbuehne, Berlin (25th of June) and then at the second solo show of Chto delat at ICA London (opening on 8th of September) and at the show Vectors of the Possible at BAK (basis voor actuele kunst), Utrecht, opening on 11th of September.
Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. book release: 'The Clandestine Histories of the OHO Group', 2010 www.zavod-parasite.si