Media art practice collection of Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina


Media art practice collection of Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina

02/11/2010 – 02/12/2010
Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina
Dunavska 37, Novi Sad, Serbia

Tuesday, 2nd of November at 19:00h

Asocijacija Apsolutno, Heath Bunting, Vuk Ćosić, Vladan Joler, Stevan Kojić, Bogdanka Poznanović, PP Group (Katarina Šević, Zita Majoroš), Peđa Šiđanin, Andrej Tišma, Vladimir Todorović, Vacuum Pack

Info zone:
Department of New media, Academy of Arts in Novi Sad
Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0
Kingdom of Piracy
New Media

The Media Practice Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina is established with a view to locating and contextualizing the artistic practice referred to under the common designation of media practice, usually connected with digital media and with art created as a result of the logic of digital media, information, communication and network technologies. The artworks and the artistic practices featured in the collection represent a historical cross-section of artistic production operating within a broad spectrum ranging from computer art, through web art, and installations, to computer games and modes.

Curators: Kristian Lukić, New Media

1st of December, 2010

The conference and discussion proceed from the idea that today the traditional mechanisms of accumulating and collecting artworks face the test of finding new models of using artistic creations, which inevitably follows the transformation of the role of cultural institutions. Proceeding from this starting point, the conference gathers theorists, artists and cultural workers who will analyze various models that exist today when it comes to dealing with, documenting, archiving and disseminating media and broader artistic practice, the status of art collections and their social and economic implications.

Conference editors: Kristian Lukić and Gordana Nikolić

Media art practice collection of Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina is supported by:
European Commission, Culture Programme 2007-2013
Ministry of Culture of Republic of Serbia
Ministry of Culture of Province Vojvodina
City of Novi Sad
Halogen, Novi Sad
