Promotion of the book "OMITTED HISTORY" and presentation of the project "Political Practices in (post-) Yugoslav Art"

Friday, 8. December 2006. in 19:00
Cinema room, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Dunavska 37, Novi Sad (Former Museum of Soialists Revolution)
Promotion of the book OMITTED HISTORY
Promotion of the project: Political Practices in (post-) Yugoslav Art
Participants of the debate are members of:
Who, How and for Whom - WHW, Zagreb
SCCA/, Sarajevo
New Media, Novi Sad
How ready are we to learn from our mistakes from the past? How important is it to position positive historical elements as a model for the future, especially when we speak about the freedom and progressive cultural and social practices?
These are just some of the questions initiated during the discussion “Omitted History” held in November 2005 in Novi Sad at the opening of the exhibition "The Continuous Art Class, The Novi Sad Neo-Avantgarde of 1960's and 1970's". This discussion was intended to throw light on crucial events on the political and artistic scenes at the beginning of the seventies of the twentieth century in former Yugoslavia, yet on the other hand, to offer the proposals for a model on how to critically read and write new history of the Yugoslav socialist times, connecting it to the present situation. One year after the Exibition “The Continuous Art Class” and the discussion “Omitted History” in Novi Sad, the transcript of the discussion is published in new, bilingual publication edited by, as a part of long-term research "The Continuous Art Class".
More about the book and its free download in PDF:
“Political Practices in (post-) Yugoslav Art” is a new research project in which four independent organizations from the region are cooperating throughout multidisciplinary research, mapping and analysis of historical socio-political and economic conditions which lead towards present constellation of art practices, intellectual and cultural production in post-socilaists space of former Yugoslavia. Against the understanding of cultural domain based on the notion of identity, particularly on national identity, this research would like to make a shift from the paradigm of art as something that represents to art as a political practice.
More about the project:
More about participants of the public discussion:
What, How & for Whom - WHW, Zagreb,
SCCA/, Sarajevo,
Prelom Kolektiv, Belgrade,
New Media, Novi Sad,
Publication “Omitted History” has been realised with the support of European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam and Daniel print, Novi Sad and the public discussion has been realised with the support of Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina and Student Cultural Center Novi Sad.
Important further links:
Publication “Omitted History”:
The project “Political Practices of (Post-) Yugoslav Art”:
Project “The Continuous Art Class”, publication and the exhibition “The Continuous Art Class, Novi Sad Neo-avant-garde of the 1960s and 1970s”:,