Presentation: Media art practice collection in the Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade

Presentation: Media art practice collection of Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina and the Center for New from Novi Sad
Friday, January 14, 2011, at 6 p.m.
Speakers: Kristijan Lukić (Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina) and Zoran Pantelić (New Media
The Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina is founding the Media art practice collection in order to locate and contextualize artistic practices related to digital media and art that originated from the logic of digital media and network technologies. The works of art and artistic practices in the collection represent a historical cross-section of works of art production that operate in a wide range from computer art, through web art,, installations, to computer games and mods.
What is the function of the Collection, as a work of the Museum, whose goal is to collect, process, store and exhibit works of art, in a network society? What is the role of the Media art practice collection, Artistic Practice of Digital Media, or Art where digital media and network technologies are part of the nature of artistic work? Will collectors and institutions want to invest in a work of art (ie an author) that everyone can have and that cannot provide a satisfactory margin? Will the institution of reputation and social status be enough to replace financial and symbolic capital?
These are just some of the questions that the Museum and other social institutions need to answer.
The future MSUV Collection consists of works of art that are and can become part of other collections, where MSUV, in cooperation with artists, has chosen a model in which artistic practice does not change character and nature by moving out of its environment, or by limiting itself. in a limited batch or limited quality approach. This type of status of reproductive works of art tries to prevent artificial shortages, and on the other hand abolishes the alienation of works of art that usually enter the chain of financialization and speculation after the primary purchase, which consistently brings profit to art dealers and not authors.
The exhibition of the Media art practice collection was held in the period from November 2, 2010. to 02.12.2010. years in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina.
Curators: Kristijan Lukić and the New Media
Association Absolutely, Heath Bunting, Vuk Cosic, Vladan Joler, Stevan Kojic, Bogdanka Poznanovic, PP Group (Katarina Sevic, Zita Majoros), Pedja Sidjanin, Andrej Tisma, Vladimir Todorovic, Vacuum Pack