Presentation "Interspace Media Art Centar", Galina Dimitrova
Galina Dimitrova, MA - studied theory and history of arts at the Academy of Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria and got a BA and then a MA. Since september 1999, she has worked as a project curator and a coordinator in Interspace media art centre. She is also an editor of - a server for art and culture.
Galina Dimitrova, a curator and an organiser in Interspace centre presented examples of modern Bulgarian art. The works of some young Bulgarian authors that include digital video, multimedia installations and were shown. The authors were Krassimir Terziev, Petko Dourmana, Nikolay Chakarov, Maria Berove.
The works were made in Interspace media arts centre production from Sofia. Interspace new media centre was founded in 1998 as a non-profit organization. Its aim was to promote and develop art production based on art and technology (video art, multimedia installations, net art, and electric sound). The main purpose of Interspace media arts center is to develop the network of media artists in Bulgaria and enable their co-operation on international level.