
workshop 07: SLIX - Open Source/Open Systems, Luka Frelih, Ljudmila, Ljubljana (SI)

In October 2003 Ljudmila has developed and published SLIX 1.0, a Slovenian Live GNU/Linux CDR. The Debian GNU/Linux operating system simply runs from a CDR unit and it needs not be installed on a computer itself. It can even be run on computers with no hard disk. More importantly, Slix recognizes the hardware in the computer and automatically configures the settings. The user is thus spared the cost for coffee and chocolate that's usually associated with computer wizards. Or, the coffee and chocolate can come to user.

Slix has first been publicly presented at INFOS 2003, the national Fair of Slovenian Informatics in Ljubljana and recently at the international Linux festival Kiblix in Maribor.

Any one is free to download a free installation from the web address http://slix.ljudmila.org

The new version of the CDR, SLIX 2.0 is available since november 2004 at the same internet address and has recently been presented at the Linux Conference in Portoroz. And, a DVD version is currently being developed. Stay tuned.

Pictures available at http://slix.ljudmila.org/sl/screenshots/

time: May 24, 2004
place: kuda.org
