kuda.read - Presentation of the New Media Center_kuda.org publishing project on Radio Novi Sad

Friday, June 21, 2013, at 10:30 p.m.
Radio Novi Sad, 87.7 MHz
The conversation with the members of kuda.org is led by Aleksandra Rajić
kuda.read is a publishing project of New Media Center_kuda.org dedicated to researching a critical approach to the politics of new media and technologies, and new relations in culture and art theory and practice. So far, eighteen editions have been published in the kuda.read edition, most of which are bilingual, in Serbo-Croatian and English.
Until 2011, kuda.read project and publications were realized in cooperation with various publishers (Futura publications, Novi Sad; Revolver, Frankfurt; Autonomedia, New York, etc.), while today it has the status of an independent publisher. During the presentation, kuda.org members will try to reflect and critically review their publishing policies, which can be said to be on a seesaw between the basic promotional purpose of kuda.org and the accumulation of social capital, and translation and publishing as a basis for initiating discursive and conceptual theoretical-artistic platforms. The question arises: what needs to be done for the other mentioned end of the seesaw to prevail?
For more information on published publications within the kuda.read project and their download: https://www.kuda.org/en/publications-kudaread-project