DICTIONARY OF WAR - Novi Sad Edition

Video documentation of all concepts of Novi Sad DICTIONARY OF WAR is online! and ready for download from the project's website at: http://dictionaryofwar.org/en-dict/v2v
FRIDAY, January 25th, 2008, from 17:00 to 22:00
17:00 Exergue / Florian Schneider
17:30 Bang! Bang! / Albert Heta
18:00 (A Quiet) Civil War / Thomas Campbell
18:30 Collaboration / Galit Eilat
19:00 Collection / Nebojša Milikić
19:30 Counter-imaging / Erden Kosova
20:00 Digital Despair / Geert Lovink
20:30 Ključ / Teofil Pančić
21:00 Kosovo i korupcija / Verica Barać
21:30 Late Night Ghetto Ambient / Sebastian Meissner
SATURDAY, January 26th, 2008, from 14:00 to 22:00
14:00 Nacionalistička mitomanija / Želimir Žilnik
14:30 Na tragu mitologije / Jovan Divjak
15:30 Performing Posses / Gini Müller
16:00 Rawness-Eating / Jean Mathee
16:30 Reconstruction / Andreja Kuluncic
17:00 Renaming machine / Suzana Milevska
17:30 Retro-Massmedia Shockwaves & Human Membranes - Kenya 2008 / Hans Bernhard
18:00 “Terrorism” - too smart to be defined / Volker Eick
18:30 Thanksgiving / Vesna Kesić
19:00 THORN – practical human nature / Bojan Djordjev
19:30 Torture, terror, tranquility / Martha Rosler
20:00 Vae Victis / Slavko Bogdanović
20:30 Wall / Metahaven
21:00 Without Title / Muha Blackstazy
Bios of the event's contributors: http://www.kuda.org/?q=en/dictionarybio
The DICTIONARY OF WAR is a collaborative platform for creating concepts on the issue of war, to be invented, arranged and presented by scientists, artists, theorists and activists. The Dictionary was started with the first 100 concepts that are being created at four public, two-day events in Frankfurt, Munich, Graz and Berlin in 2006/2007. The aim is to create key concepts that either play a significant role in current discussions of war, have so far been neglected, or have yet to be created.
This winter, DICTIONARY OF WAR event will take place in Serbia where notion of war has a special meaning as a symbol of unresolved past, which in many ways determines the future of the territory of former Yugoslavia and its neighborhood – it is constituting form of a new order. To question different approaches to the subject of a war in this special edition of DICTIONARY OF WAR in Novi Sad has significant roll in analyzing present “power relations” in this specific region and wider. “Is genocidal war necessary for the organization of human society?” still reverberates through this region.
The DICTIONARY OF WAR is about polemics in various respects: It seeks confrontation with a reality that is characterised by the concealment of power relations the more that one talks about war and peace. But it is also about finding out to what extent war may function as an “analyzer of power relations” that constitutes current changes. Changes that have been producing ever new wordings: The new war, post-modern war, global war, immanent war - all sorts of labels that indicate that the juridical model of sovereignty would seem to have had its day: war as an armed confrontation between sovereign nation states is a thing of the past. While this still refers to conflict between different interest groups that are defined by the degree of their intensity and extension, unlike in the past war serves to regulate rather than destroy or renew existing power relations.
100 concepts on the issue of a war, have had already been invented, arranged and presented at the first four public, two-day events in Frankfurt, Munich, Graz and Berlin. The entire video recordings (live mixed from four cameras and additional sources) of the first four editions of the DICTIONARY OF WAR are available for free download from the website: http://dictionaryofwar.org/en-dict/v2v
Besides that, in the lobby of the location of Novi Sad event, there will be TV sets installed offering to the audience the opportunity to browse through this unique topic-based multimedia archive that encompasses more than 50 hours of video material. Even by now the video files of the DICTIONARY OF WAR are shared by thousands of users worldwide who download the material for educational or research purposes and remix it in various new contexts. The next 25 concepts that are going to be presented at the Novi Sad edition will be ready for download near on real time - published under a creative commons share-alike license.
The Novi Sad edition of the DICTIONARY OF WAR starts on Friday, January 25, at 5 pm in Studio M, Radio Novi Sad, Ignjata Pavlasa 3. It will be continued on January 26, at 2 pm. The concepts will be introduced in alphabetical order by their concept persons in half-hour long presentations or performances. Entrance to the event is free of charge.
More informations at: http://dictionaryofwar.org or infodictionaryofwar.org and officekuda.org
DICTIONARY OF WAR is project by Multitude e.V. Berlin and Unfriendly Takeover Frankfurt am Main, and it is locally organized by New Media Center_kuda.org Novi Sad (www.kuda.org) in collaboration with “Zavod za kulturu Vojvodine” and Radio Novi Sad. The project in Serbia is supported by Ministry of Culture and Education of Province Vojvodina, Fond for Open Society, Goethe Institute Belgrad, Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade and The Royal Netherlands Embassy in Belgrade.