The Critique of Clericalization of Serbia, Publication by Anti-fascists Action Novi Sad

  • kuda.
  • kuda.

The Critique of Clericalization of Serbia
Analysis of Socio-Political and Aesthetic Discourse of New Orthodox and Church Strategies

Publication “The Critique of Clericalization of Serbia” represents a set of research essays and a chronological study, dedicated to the analysis of expansion of Serbian Orthodox Church buildings during the past ten years on the territory of Novi Sad and its vicinity, as well as analysis of specific socio-political climate that enabled this urban planning based on the principles of exclusive domination of one code, language and ideology.

The fact is that over a dozen new orthodox churches of different sizes and stiles were built (or their construction had started) during the last decade on the territory of Novi Sad and its surrounding area. Orthodox Church building expansion can be related to current socio-political events, where one can see a significant shift towards «unofficial» and «indirect» binding and permeation of the Serbian State and Serbian Orthodox Church. Law on churches, process of denationalization, financing Serbian Orthodox Church from public funds are only few examples of this, above all, negative convergence between the church and the state in contemporary Serbian society.

Publication “The Critique of Clericalization of Serbia” contains five research essays, which from position of social science, philosophy, history of art and architecture analyses phenomenon of expansion of Serbian Orthodox Church in Vojvodina province. Published essays are:

- The Critique of Clericalisation of Serbia, Analysis of Socio-Political and Aesthetic Discourse of New Orthodox and Church Strategies, Branka Ćurčić

- Contemporary Serbian Church Buildings: From Tradition to Political Correctness, Vladimir Mitrović

- From Psychopathology to Political Programmes: Clerical Offensive on the Threshold of the 21st Century, Petar Atanacković

- Criticising of the Clericalisation of Serbia: Analysis of the Church/Modern State Relationship, Miloš Perović

- The Diary of Church Insults 2000 – 2006, From Desecularization to Clericalization, Zoran Petakov

Besides research essays, publication contains the list of new Serbian Orthodox churches in Novi Sad and its surrounding and the map of Novi Sad with marked new-built objects of Serbian Orthodox Church.

Publication in PDF format can be freely downloaded from the attachemnt to this page (at the bottom of it).

More about the publication:

Title: The Critique of Clericalisation of Serbia
Editor: AFANS, Anti-fascists Action Novi Sad
Edition anti-dogma
Publisher: Samizdat
Translation: Nebojša Pajić, Orfeas Skutelis
Proof reading: Branka Ćurčić
Photography: AFANS Archive
Diesign: AFANS
Prepress: Predrag Nikolić
Printed by: Daniel Print, Novi Sad
Print run: 500
Languages: Serbian, English
Number of pages: 90

All copying and further utilisation of texts from this publication is welcome (except in cases of their utilisation within rasists, sexists, fascists and anti-Semit context).

The publication “The Critique of Clericalisation of Serbia” is published within wider project of establishing the Youth Social Center in Novi Sad, which will be dedicated to fighting retrograde phenomenon such are nationalism, fascism, rascism and xenophobia. The project of establishing of the Youth Social Center in Novi Sad has received support from “Schueler Helfen Leben”, Germany and province Ministry of Youth and Sports of Vojvodina.
