kuda.org announce: Exhibition "ARCHIVES OF FRIENDSHIP – poetics of resistance", Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture 29.11.- 12.12.2023.

Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture
Exhibition "ARCHIVES OF FRIENDSHIP – poetics of resistance"
November 29th until December 12th, 2023
SKD Prosvjeta Gallery (Preradovićeva 21, Zagreb)
The exhibition offering insights and reflections on two full decades of unity and collaboration in the regional cultural scene.
The main motivation behind this modest reflection on the work of Kooperativa and its members is to create a possible map of movement through shared experiences, work, and the production of the independent cultural scene. We pondered on which paths and signs beside the main road create opportunities for new perspectives on displaced meanings of freedom, democracy, and autonomous zones. Without claiming to create a stable historical narrative, with contributions and thoughts from member organizations, artists, and contributors who actively changed us through their work, we have assembled a possible collage of experiences shaped by mutual influences. Through exchanges with a large number of collaborators, experiencing frustration, excitement, dissatisfaction, disappointment, and joy, we embarked on a venture of reflection with an uncertain outcome.
The movement of Kooperativa, and all of us who unite within it, is not linear but rather dictated by the general social dynamics. We work and exist non-linearly, without order and sequence, in haste. Organized chaos, intermittence, laboratory structure – that is our context from which we are still contemplating alternatives. This exhibition is yet another contribution to our shared chaos.
Concept and Curators of the Exhibition: Milica Pekić and Iskra Geshoska
Exhibition Design: Dejan Dragosavac – Ruta Executive
Producers and Collaborators: Dejan Košćak, Ena Grabar, Tijana Ana Spasovska
Direction and Editing of Video Interviews: Veton Nurkollari and Eroll Bilibani
Exhibition Organizer: Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture, in collaboration with the Serbian Cultural Society Prosvjeta.
You can read the interview "Creating a new cultural and social heritage" with the curators of the exhibition "Archives of Friendship - Poetics of Resistance", Milica Pekić and Iskra Geshoska, at this link.
You can listen to the audio guide of curator Milica Pekić through the exhibition "Archives of Friendship - Poetics of Resistance", author Martina Kontošić, produced by Kulturpunkt.hr on this link.