Interview from the series "Less Likely Mission": About the work of the artistic couple Rene Readle and Vladan Jeremic - Psychogeographic Research

The Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina in cooperation with the Cultural Center Rex (Belgrade) and New Media (Novi Sad) within the exhibition "Psychogeographical Research" (Raedle / Jeremić) organizes
on Friday, October 16 at 6 pm at Dunavska 37, Novi Sad:
An interview from the series "Less Likely Mission", which will focus on the possible outcomes of artistic practice that deals with the presentation and representation of marginalized social groups. The "Less Likely Mission" talks aim to review the concepts, processes, and results of various organizational and production activities in the contemporary cultural and political field (more about the project at
The conversation will be preceded by an exhibition guided by Vladan Jeremić and Rene Readle
(more about the exhibition:
Artists Vladan Jeremic and Rene Readle, curators of the exhibition Gordana Nikolic, Branka Curcic, and Zoran Pantelic (, as well as members of the Working Group for Intercultural Dialogue of the Ministry of Culture: Miroslav Benka and Nebojsa Milikic will take part in the discussion.
Discussants and the audience will, among other things, deal with the project of the Bureau for Culture and Communication "Journey to the world of our desires", which is supported within the Mapping of projects and the process of intercultural dialogue in the Republic of Serbia.