3rd Subversive Film Festival
The 3rd Subversive Film Festival (http://www.subversivefilmfestival.com/) whose theme this year explores Socialism, will be held from 1 to 25 May in the following locations: in the Europa, Tuškanac, Grič and SC cinemas and in the building of the former Museum of Contemporary Art. Like with previous festivals, this year’s festival will also include a rich film, theoretical and artistic programme as well as a range of other events.
The neo-liberal utopia has died at least twice in the 21st century: once on 9/11 and the second time with the financial crash of 2008. If it was ever clear that the current economic and political model is not sustainable in the long term, then it is so today. In accordance with this, the question is posed about a possible alternative. The 1st Subversive Film Festival was dedicated to the anniversary of ’68 and the second to the 60th anniversary of the Chinese Revolution. The 3rd Subversive Film Festival will round off these themes by looking at – socialism.
What is new this year is that the theoretical and film programmes will be separated. A large international conference will be held in the Europa Cinema from 3 to 7 May entitled "The crash of neo-liberalism and the idea of socialism today", whose directors are Slavoj Žižek and Srećko Horvat. As well as our already traditional guest Žižek, numerous intellectuals have confirmed their attendance such as Gianni Vattimo, Samir Amin, Michail Ryklin, G. M. Tamas, Michael Lebowitz and others. Alongside them, 30 participants from Croatia and the region will also take part (Boris Buden, Igor Štiks, Andrej Nikolaidis and many others). Noam Chomsky and Michael Hardt will participate via video link. All lectures will include simultaneous translation in Croatian.
This year’s film programme has three focuses. Throughout almost the whole of May (1-25 May) in Tuškanac Cinema the public will have a unique opportunity to watch a large retrospective of Yugoslav film, through all-evening projections of 75 feature films originating from the period from the beginning of the 50s until the end of the 80s, as well as a retrospective of the works of Živojin Žika Pavlović. As an item of special interest within Yugoslav cinematography, the Zagreb School of Animated Film will be highlighted and will be presented by around 100 titles, including a retrospective of Dušan Vukotić.
The second part of the programme, which will be held in the Student Centre Cinema from 9 to 15 May brings a selection of Latin American and Eastern European cinematography, representing the revolutionary film modernism of the 60s and 70s as well as a cross-section of contemporary Latin American film production.
The third segment of the film programme, entitled "Film as subversive art", will take place in the attractive and intimate space of Grič Cinema, and in the period from 17 to 22 May will be presented authors of contemporary political film, a three-day film theoretical school and a three-day film theoretical symposium, during which some twenty film authors and theoreticians from the region and abroad will critically reconstruct the phenomenon of Yugoslav film.
In cooperation with Kultura Promjene, the Subversive Film Festival has also prepared some real musical treats such as Tindersticks, Secret Chiefs 3 and Cinkuši; these artists will hold concerts in the Student Centre.
And finally, in the building of the former Museum of Contemporary Art the already celebrated curators’ collective WHW – What, How and for Whom in association with the Subversive Film Festival will prepare an exhibition entitled “Art always has consequences” (http://www.artalways.org/). This will be open from 8 May to 2 June.