
Timeline of graphic and industrial design in Yugoslavia from 1945 - 1990, Dejan Kršić and kuda.org

Timeline of graphic and industrial design in Yugoslavia from 1945 - 1990

Within the exhibition Ideology of Design, as a coproduction, graphic designer, translator and publicist from Zagreb Dejan Kršić and Center_kuda.org present subjective and selective timeline of industrial and graphic design practices, with institutional and alternative frameworks of design practices and theory in respect to paradigmatic social, political and economic happenings in socialist Yugoslavia.

This overview of practices in industrial and graphic design is a result of an intervention on a work of Dejana Kršića and his timeline of history of graphic design in Croatia since 1950 - 2005, which was presented within didactical exhibition „Designed in Croatia“ through May 2009 in gallery of Croatian Society of Designers in Zagreb. Exhibition was curated by Dejan Kršić on occasion of receiving a reward for the work done on concept and editing monograph of Mirko Ilić, published in 2008 by AGM from Zagreb.
