Temporary Services in Cultural Center REX, Belgrade


Cultural Center REX, Jevrejska 16, Belgrade
27th of October 2011, at 7PM

Temporary Services, but Permanent Artistic Practice
Brett Bloom in Cultural Center REX, Belgrade

Presentation and public talk with the artist, writer and cultural worker Brett Bloom with Jelena Vesić, independent curator and art critic and Vladimir Jerić Vlidi, writer, media researcher and activist from Belgrade.

Event host and moderator: Vladan Jeremić, artists, curator, a political and cultural worker from Belgrade.

Brett Bloom will talk about his recent work with Temporary Services in addition to other collaborations. He will bring a selection of publications by Temporary Services and Half Letter Press including two recently published books and a newspaper. Public talk between Brett Bloom, Jelena Vesić and Vladimir Jerić Vlidi will follow.

Jelena Vesić will conduct Q & A with comments and illustrations in a form of a short interview with Brett that investigates the relations between art and political activism in the context of the US (and Danish) alternative cultural scene. Vladimir Jerić Vlidi will focus his questions on recent events like "Taking Wall Street" and general political situation in US and EU, reaction/responsibility of the artists toward a new political situation in the world.

Brett Bloom is an artist, writer, and organizer based in Copenhagen. He works as an associate professor at Det Jyske Kunstakademi, Århus, Denmark. His primary work is with the group Temporary ServicesTemporary Services collaborates to make publications, public projects, large-scale campaigns, and experimental social situations. The distinction between art practice and other creative human endeavors is irrelevant to Temporary Services. The group runs a publishing imprint and online store called Half Letter Press. Bloom also works with Bonnie Fortune on The Mythological Quarter, an initiative to examine food, place, resilient city-dwelling, and designing a future in the face of global climate destruction. Bloom is currently working, with the public, on a large public project called "Giving Harbor" - a sign system for placing phrases, generated in close collaboration with selected community and activist organizations, in the spaces of the Copenhagen harbor. The first set of phrases are being produced in collaboration with Trampolinhuset, a community space for asylum seekers in Copenhagen’s Nørrebro, and VisAvis magazine, to be placed in the harbor during Fall 2011.

More information:

Please download new Temporary Services publication as PDF:

This event is a part of the project "Biro Beograd Exchange" of Biro Beograd http://birobeograd.info
Until now several international artists, cultural workers and curators took part in this project, among them: Vladimir Us (Chisinau), Michel Chevalier (Hamburg), Anita Hillestad (Oslo) and Sissel Mutale Bergh (Trondheim).
