Presentation of the RoToR group, Barcelona, Monday 10.12. at 7 pm, Youth Center CK13, Novi Sad
Youth Center CK13
Vojvode Bojovića 13, Novi Sad
Monday 10.12. at 7 p.m.
Presentation of the RoToR group, Barcelona
Guest: Vahida Ramujkić
From the moment RoToR was first launched through the work and interaction between Vahida Ramujkić and Laia Sadurní in Barcelona in 2001, it has continued to base its methods on its own experiences and processing of raw, unprocessed materials in order to transform itself and its environment through an evolutionary process. , opening passages for the circulation of ideas. The presentation will discuss drawing maps as a reference to orientation / creating new signaling and alphabets/group formation - tribulation - coordination - collaboration/group dispersion - flexible structure / on temporary autonomy of self-organized events. In addition, they will present the book SCHENGEN WITHOUT TROUBLE by the ASSIMIL method - a lay / bureaucratic guide to acquiring mobility in Europe - and the PIRATE UNIVERSITY - (Universitat Pirata) 2006/2007 - self-organized and independent a university centered in the Barcelona squat of Miles de Viviendas.
Entering the seventh year of shared experience, RoToR celebrates its first rotation by revising its practices and methodologies in three phases of its evolutionary transgression:
1º TERRÆ // entering unknown territories - adventure/prospecting routes of the terrain/drawing maps as a reference to orientation / creating new signalization and alphabet/body in motion draws the explored space / from individual to collective / POBLE NOW, SCULPTORIAN OLYMPIAD ...
2º AQVA // reaching the limit - crossing the border / common ambitions - artifact construction / group formation - tripulations - coordination - collaboration / maintenance + movement + direction + survival = navigation / transformation: obstacle => passage - recycling / TURN THE BARIERRE
3º AIRE // building a new physical and social level in urban heights / group dispersion - flexible structures / temporary autonomy of self-organized events/transmission - connections at evening distances / crossing information - connecting hosts with autonomous groups and individuals / AUTONOMIAEREA.