Presentation of the Neighborhood Public Radio


Neighborhood Public Radio (NPR) is a collaborative group of artists, radio producers and engineers from San Francisco, California. NPR acts as a model for hyper-local media production and broadcast. U.S. "public" media has evolved from its roots as an outlet intended for community voices and has transformed into a corporate-supported propaganda outlet. NPR has reacted to this situation in the U.S. by installing low-power radio transmitters in various neighborhoods and inviting groups and individuals to produce their own programs and performances that present an audio portrait of the local community.

Lee Montgomery, Jon Brumit, Oakland

Neighborhood Public Radio (NPR) is a collaborative group of artists, radio producers and engineers from San Francisco, California. NPR acts as a model for hyper-local media production and broadcast. U.S. "public" media has evolved from its roots as an outlet intended for community voices and has transformed into a corporate-supported propaganda outlet. NPR has reacted to this situation in the U.S. by installing low-power radio transmitters in various neighborhoods and inviting groups and individuals to produce their own programs and performances that present an audio portrait of the local community.

NPR discussed U.S. "public" media history as it relates to the current transitional stage of media ownership in Serbia and Montenegro. As part of this discussion, NPR will also explain how to develop your own community radio station. This explanation will include demonstrations of radio production techniques and suggested equipment for broadcast including transmitters, antennas and studio equipment. Individuals and groups interested in broadcasting their own ideas and programs are encouraged to attend.

During their residency in Novi Sad, Neighborhood Public Radio organized several public radio broadcastings, at Gradiliste, Cultural Center, in the Museum of Contemporary Art Novi Sad and in Cultural Center "Zvono" in Zrenjanin. NPR invited the residents of Novi Sad to come participate in a broadcast that features continuous music and talk programming produced by local artists and activists. People could help NPR to create an audio portrait of the local community. In those public radio broadcastings, mostly youth groups participated in, creating live radio program. Thanks to the generosity of NPR members, they left radio equipment to locals, so now there is big chance for establishing Neighborhood Public Radio in Novi Sad. Also, demonstration of the work with radio was part of project "Mobile Laboratory" by, where this platform was presented in smaller cities in Vojvodina (in Srpska Crnja, Zrenjanin, Kanjiza, Sremska Mitrovica) as an excellent tool for animation of the locals.