POLITICAL PRACTICES OF (POST-) YUGOSLAV ART: How it Started and What Has Been Done?

How it Started and What Has Been Done?

- The exhibition and publication: The Continuous Art Class, The Novi Sad Neo-Avantgarde of the 1960’s and 1970’s, held in Novi Sad, Zagreb, Belgrade and in Stuttgart, Vienna and Graz (as a part of Media Ontology exhibition), 2005-2008, production: Center_kuda.org - http://www.kuda.org/?q=node/541

- Magazine “Prelom”, Belgrade: Who is “Goran Djordjevic”?, conducted research published as a part of “Prelom” magazine, 2007, Production: Prelom Collective - http://www.prelomkolektiv.org/eng/08.htm

- Magazine Gallery Nova newspapers, No 8, editorial cooperation of Prelom Collective Belgrade and WHW Zagreb, 2006, Production: Prelom Collective, WHW - http://www.prelomkolektiv.org/eng/nova.htm

- Omitted History, Publication within the project and exhibition "The Continuous Art Class", 2006, production: Center_kuda.org - http://www.kuda.org/?q=en/node/795

- The exhibition Vojin Bakic, held in Zagreb, 2007, production: WHW, Zagreb - http://www.kuda.org/?q=en/node/2091

- The exhibition TV Gallery, held in Zagreb and Novi Sad, 2007-2008, production: SCCA/pro.ba Sarajevo, Center_kuda.org Novi Sad and WHW Zagreb - http://www.kuda.org/en/exhibitions-tv-gallery-and-applied-public-are-ope...

------- Report about "TV Gallery" exhibition by Jelena Vesic (member of Prelom Collective) at LabforCulture.org: http://www.labforculture.org/en/labforculture/blogitem/24955

------- Report about "TV Gallery" exhibition by Branka Curcic (member of kuda.org) at eipcp.net: http://transform.eipcp.net/correspondence/1197491434

- The exhibition Applied Public, held in Novi Sad, 2008, production: WHW, Zagreb
hoto documentation of the APPLIED PUBLIC exhibition in Novi Sad: http://www.kuda.org/en/photo-documentation-applied-public-exhibition-nov...
