Partisan Songspiel. A Belgrade Story - a film by Chto Delat

Partisan Songspiel. A Belgrade Story is a film by Chto Delat - by
Vladan Jeremić, Rena Rädle, Tsaplya, Dmitry Vilensky and Gluklya
You can watch it at:
Partisan Songspiel. A Belgrade Story had its premiere at the
opening of the ongoing Istanbul Biennial.
Director of Partisan Sonspiel is Olga Egorova Tsaplya,
Assistant directors are: Vladan Jeremić, Rena Raedle, Dmitry Vilensky;
Scriptwriters and stage designers are: Vladan Jeremić, Olga Egorova Tsaplya, Rena Raedle, Dmitry Vilensky,
music composer is Mihail Kutlik,
costume design did Natalya Pershina Gluklya,
choreography did Nina Gasteva and Tsaplya,
editing and post-production were done by Olga Egorova Tsaplya and Dmitry Vilensky. Production was done in Belgrade by Biro Beograd - Biro for Culture and Communication Belgrade in July 2009.