Ontology of Time, or New Metaphysics, Velimir Abramović
Velimir Abramović is born in Belgrade in 1952. His PhD thesis: 'Problem of Continuity in Naturalistic Philosophy of Leibnitz and Bošković'. Founder and editor-in-chief of the "Tesliana" magazine. Founder of The Institute of time, within the scope of The Foundation for Science of Time, Rotterdam, Holland. Currently, he is living in Amsterdam.
Velimir Abramović raised the question of time, its perception during the course of history, and of modern trends towards establishing a precise and unique definition of time. He defines three categories of time: general time, independent from our senses, equal to the being, non-dimensional and non-spatial; internal time, which structures systems of physics and regulates their functions; local time, which is, so-called, time-operator, i.e. those are time conditions out of systems of physics but which interact with them. Among other scientists who have tackled the issues of time and the relationship between physics and metaphysics, he names Tesla, Kozirev, Newton, Ruđer Bošković, rejecting the postulates of quantum mechanics and pointing at the importance of euclid's geometry. Striding along the wide field of exact sciences, philosophy of sciences, cosmology, chronology, mathematics, theory of physics, theory of systems, Abramović stressed the need for establishing closer connection between science and religion, i.e. the cohesive factor which would bind them - philosophy.