The Fate of Words: Glosses on Critical Inutility by Athony Iles

The Fate of Words: Glosses on Critical Inutility by Athony Iles

This pamphlet stems from, and can be located at, the forking paths of a few different projects. A version of the material is to be included in a series of pamphlets, Arcade Materials ( The questions which prompted my interest in problems of anxiety, crisis, collectivity writing and form I began to explore in a collectively edited anthology entitled, Anguish Language: writing and crisis (2016). The impetus to define this area of study, or the object of study, which I am calling the critical dictionary, philosophical dictionary or satirical glossary, came from the need to better understand the glossary published in consecutive issues of the artist-run journal, Inventory (1995-2005), which is the subject of Anthony Iles PhD research.

You can download the book on this link