Exhibition "Pshychogeographical Research" by Rena Raedle and Vladan Jeremic in Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina

Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina invites you to the exhibition:
Pshychogeographical Research
Rena Raedle and Vladan Jeremic
6 - 16 October, 2009
Exhibition Opening: Tuesday, 6th October 2009, 7pm
Dunavska 37, Novi Sad
Curator: Gordana Nikolic
Exhibition titled "Pshychogeographical Research" presents the activities of the artistic couple Readle& Jeremic concentrated in the last seven years on the specific practice of “estheticized documentation" which consists of different media presented concepts, projects and works which the artists developed and implemented.
The title clearly refers to the show lettrist-situationist neologism “psychogeography” and situationist’ practice which in this case involves the transfer and translation of this practice in certain geographical - (space - time) - psychological category. The exhibition deals with locating and questioning of symptoms in a society in the context of "economic transition” and cause-consequential moves of local-global politics. The focus is on the marginal, the oppressed and the precarious structure of society, ie. those most fragile social areas where the force of power of the system fatally collide. There are works that deal with position of the Roma community in Serbia: video "Belleville" (2009) - about the recent destruction of Roma settlements by the Belgrade authorities and the protests which were then followed in front of City hall, projects "Writing on the Sky" (2008) and "Under the Bridge" (2004), as well as works in which are the protagonists: the salesmen of the flea market, precarious workers, economic migrants and immigrants: "The series of monuments - unforgettable moments in the lives of New Belgrade workers" (2007), "" Sandy " and Horrorkatze Macht Terror "(2003) - which, inter alia, deal with criticism and informational-communicational potential and overloading.
Within this occasion will be presented the publication "Pshychogeographical Research" published by MoCAV with theoretical texts by: Suzana Milevska (Skopje), Sezgin Boynik (Helsinki), Gordana Nikolic (Novi Sad) and the artists.
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In cooperation with the Cultural Center Rex (Belgrade) and Centre_kuda.org (Novi Sad) within the exhibition "Pshychogeographical Research" (Raedle & Jeremic), MoCAV organizes on Friday, 16 October, 7pm (Dunavska 37, Novi Sad):
Public talk of a series Mission Less Probable that will be focused on possible outcomes of art practice that deals with the presentation and representation of marginalized social groups. The talks "Mission Less Probable" intend to give the review of the concept, process and outcomes of various organizational and production activities in the contemporary cultural and political field (more about the project on www.rex.b92.net/mvm).
Talk and discussion, which will be attended by Vladan Jeremic and Rena Raedle, other artists constantly or occasionally engaged in these issues as well as members of the Working Group on Intercultural Dialogue of the Ministry of Culture, will deal with specific cases and projects of the Bureau of Culture and Communication "Journey to the World of Our Desire”, which is supported within the mapping project and the process of Intercultural dialogue in the Republic of Serbia.
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Raedle&Jeremic work on joint projects since 2002, detecting, exploring and commenting on the situation in various social frameworks. They use art as one of the possible formats for the criticism, having an active public position in various fields of social activism.
More information is available on the website of the artist: http://raedle-jeremic.modukit.com