
Documentation: "What will happen to the Youth Tribune?", Index 205, 11.11.1970.

A month ago, the news appeared in Dnevnik that the Municipal Committee of the Youth Association (MCYA) intends to take the Youth Forum under its patronage. IN DNEVNIK of Saturday, October 31, 1970. the news could be read with the headline, headline and subtitle: "Decision of the President of the MCYA - New Orientation of the Youth Tribune - Basic Function of Education and Upbringing". It is interesting that, from the first news about the intention to take the Youth Tribune under the patronage of the OK SO until this one from October 31, in which the decision on patronage was announced, neither the Youth Council nor any of the editors at the Youth Tribune were informed or consulted about it. .

On the occasion of all this, a meeting of all newsrooms of the Youth Tribune was held on November 3, 1970 (Polja, Új Symposion, oral program of the Tribune), at which a decision was made to request the President of the Council to convene a session of the Council. months), which would discuss the issue of the Statute of the institution, and on the occasion of the new situation caused by the news about the Tribune in the DNEVNIK.

Since, for unknown reasons, the President did not convene a session of the Council, 11 members of the Council (more than half) decided that on November 6, 1970. g. hold a session. Due to the impediment, one of these members of the Council could not attend and, therefore, no decision could be made. Considering that the Provincial Conference of the Municipal Assembly was held on November 10, 1970. and that the draft decision on patronage and the draft program orientation of the Youth Tribune will be (un) voted on it, 10 members of the Tribune Council decided to authorize Tibor Varadi and several other members to present their views at that Conference, which indicate a long delay in the Statute, although his proposal was compiled by the Council in January this year and submitted to the MCYA  and Province Committee of the Youth Association. To date, the Council has not received their opinion.

It is regrettable that the people from the Youth Forum were not invited to participate in the drafting of the program orientation of the Tribune, which was prepared by the MCYA, and that the Tribune was informed about this only from DNEVNIK, which presented the draft to the public as a decision. The members of the Council consider it useful to cooperate with the OK, which was pointed out at previous sessions of the Council. The draft program orientation prepared by the working group of the presidency of the MCYA in accordance with the relevant legal provisions and in accordance with the basic principles of our self-governing system can only be a proposal to the Council that determines the program orientation of the institution.

In addition to this, the members of the Council are in favor of affirming one form of direct democracy: a gathering of associates. His work has proved very successful in some newsrooms (Új Symposion, for example), where he plays a significant role in determining program orientation and proposes editors-in-chief.

Also, the problem of the Editorial Board of the program in the Hungarian language needs to be solved. The Editor and the Editorial Board of the program should have the same position as other editors and editorial offices of the Institution.



The Province Conference of the Municipal Assembly adopted the draft program orientation of the Youth Tribune compiled by MCYA  !?


The press material comes from the private archive of Slavko Bogdanović.

