
Documentation: "Prohibition due to lies and insults", Novosti, 11.12.1971.



In the magazine "Uj symposium" ("New symposium"), Miroslav Mandić severely insults our society, the state and the President of the Republic

Novi Sad, December 11th 

Yesterday, the District Public Prosecutor in Novi Sad passed a decision temporarily banning the distribution of the magazine for art and criticism in the Hungarian language "Uj symposium" ("New Symposium") number 77, published by "Youth Tribune" from Novi Sad.

The explanation of the decision on the temporary ban states that Miroslav Mandić's article "Poem about the film - sonnet or fourteen stanzas", on pages 376 to 389, translated by Katalina Ladik, infringes parts and insults of the President of the Republic, people and state of SFRY and false and perverted claims are made, which cause citizens to be upset.

"According to its content, the mentioned inscription pretends to show our wider public the situation in Yugoslav cinematography as an artistic attitude towards this art. Through various comparisons, the writer derived, in a rather insulting, ironic, distasteful way, as he puts it, "clearly defined aesthetic attitudes", according to which "the relationship between and Yugoslav society is very bad", with the obvious intention of degrading his personality as much as possible in its significance, insulting and presenting us in a distorted light and exposing our society, as a general Yugoslav community, to contempt, belittling and devaluing the achievements "- it is stated in the decision of prosecutor Avram MIŠKOV.

The prosecutor claims that Miroslav Mandić depicts our country in an incriminating article, as if chaos reigns in everything, even in culture and artistic creation. According to Mandic, due to the lack of understanding of new aspirations, primitivism and conservatism come to the fore, and the film is "intended to have an oversized false cultural role with a pro-Russian ideology." Alluding to the creation of films with a political theme from the time of our people's revolution, among which the film "Sutjeska" is mentioned, in which the American actor Richard Barton plays the role of the leader of the uprising and the Supreme Commander of the People's Liberation Army and partisan detachments of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito. such an orientation and at the same time the personality of the Supreme Commander Tito as a political leader belittles, severely insults.

District Court Judge Richard Hibsh scheduled a hearing for Monday, December 13th at 9 p.m.

B. Mirosavljević


The press material comes from the private archive of Slavko Bogdanović.
