
Documentation: "Exhibition of swears", Novosti, 30.01.1971.

What is happening at the Youth Tribune



A few days ago, in the exhibition hall of the Novi Sad Youth Tribune, an unusual exhibition was opened. In addition to other exhibits, there is also a poster with a 10 dinar banknote under the sticker, countless swear words with the signatures of those who uttered them in this way in the written word.

That was the reason for a group of Novi Sad workers to come to the Municipal Community of Culture with a request to remove social funds from this house due to, as it was said, false avant-garde and free-thinking.

However, a group of these people emphasizes that the case with the banknote is just an occasion and that there were other political excesses under the roof of this house. It is mentioned that films from the "bunker" were shown and that people whose views and opinions were contrary to the views of the League of Communists were hired for some lectures.

Thus, by all accounts, the Youth Tribune has so far been under the scrutiny of social consciousness and conscience. The case with the banknote started dissatisfaction with some programs of this institution, which have been kept silent so far. In the atmosphere of departure for some manifestations of the Youth Tribune, especially for the last one, it is mentioned that in 1970, the Youth Tribune was granted 413,000 dinars, which is more than some professional institutions. The Youth Tribune is accused of having an incorrect and apolitical attitude towards the money given to it by the generous society.

We turned to Dragan KOSANOVIĆ, the secretary of the Municipal Community of Culture, to find out if there is a possibility that the banknote from the exhibition will be the last social dinar paid to the account of the Youth Tribune.

- We believe that in such and similar institutions aimed at young people must be direct political responsibilities of the people who create the program. - said Kosanović. - Otherwise, the Municipal Community of Culture will not finance any activity of a sensationalist character and improvised and unprepared programs of dubious ideological values. The latest excess at the Youth Forum cannot be tolerated because they are not the only ones. We have a lot of pressure from cultural workers to stand in the way of individuals from that house who work outside the self-governing bodies, the programs of the League of Communists, and the Youth League. In connection with this case, we want a quick action of the Municipal Conference of the Youth Association.

S. Božović

The press material comes from the private archive of Slavko Bogdanović.
