Anomie/Bonhomie and other texts, book by Howard Slater


Thursday 28.03. at 7 pm, Youth Center CK13

Presentation of the translation of the book 'Anomie/Bonhomie & Other Writings' by Howard Slater, into Serbo-Croatian language

publisher:, Novi Sad

Speakers: Howard Slater,, Conceptual Policy Group

In these texts, Howard Slater improvises on the theme of what Walter Benjamin might have meant by the phrase “affective class”. Beyond the limitations of the academic approach, Slater is inspired by the possible implications of Benjamin’s “messianic shards” and moves toward therapeutic micro-policies, embracing the discourse-regrets of the Workers ’Movement and the issue of“ becoming capital ”. The essay "Anomie/Bonhomie" occupies the largest part of this book, which also includes texts and poetry from the past ten years of work. These additional texts include themes and concepts such as exodus, gender being, surrealist precedent, the language of poetry, and the possibility of collective ‘affective’ practices in the fight against capitalist colonization of the psyche.

Howard Slater volunteers as a therapist (games) and sometimes writes lyrics. He lives and works in London, and participates in Mute magazine and the MayDay Rooms project (

Publisher:, Novi Sad, 2013

ISBN 978-86-88567-06-0

English translation: Dušan Đorđević Mileusnić, Đorđe Čolić,, The Group for Conceptual Politics (GCP)

Cover collage: "Portrait", and GKP

English edition: Mute Publishing, 2012

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