Alphabet of Detelinara: an exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina and a public program at Detelinara district

Alphabet of Detelinara

An exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina and a public program at Detelinara district.

The result of the workshop, which was realized in March 2018 with artist Mireia Sallarès from Barcelona and the inhabitants of Detelinare.


AZBUČNIK DETELINARE je nastao iz kolektivnog stvaralačkog procesa u saradnji između komšija sa Detelinare, umetnice Mireie Sallarès i Prvo izdanje “Azbučnika” je predstavljeno povodom izložbe "MEDIJI SU U VAZDUHU, POD ZEMLJOM, NAD VODOM, U VATRI" u Muzeju savremene umetnosti Vojvodine u Novom Sadu u periodu od 10.05.2018. - 03.06.2018.

Otvaranje izložbe 10. maj 2018. u 19h, MSUV, Dunavska 37, Novi Sad


Radionica je realizovana od 02. do 09. marta 2018. godine u prostorijama Centra na Detelinari, a svi zainteresovani građani su bili pozvani da učestvuju, daju svoje predloge kroz neki pojam ili konkretan artefakt koji su bili dodatni materijal i inspiracija za rad. Sadržaj “Azbučnika” nije bio unapred određen, iz razloga što sadržaj određuju sami građani – kroz zajednički rad kreirana je mapa osećajnosti refleksije njima važnih događaja, stvari, toponima i ljudi koji ih povezuju sa Detelinarom. Azbučnik Detelinare je otvoren format kojim se detektuju emocionalne relacije lokalne zajednice, kao i odnos članova te zajednice prema susedima i neposrednom životnom okruženju.

Čitav proces zasnovan je na bazičnim relacijama direktne komunikacije sa građanima, oslonjenu na poznate metode slušanja i razmene, odluke i rešenja su dobijene na osnovu lokalnih saznanja. Iz takve atmosfere proizašao je i nametnuo se medijum plakata koji u sebi nosi poruku formiranu unutar zajednice. Ovakav format oslanja se i na dobro poznate izvore taktičkih medija kojima se pribegava, nasuprot monopolisanoj i kontrolisanoj medijskoj sferi, vrlo često kroz metod ‘uradi sam’, sa jasnom intencijom da se iskorači od tehnologije masovnog nadzora, u trenutku kada je kritička analiza i radikalna praksa isto tako urgentno potrebna kao i pre dvadeset godina.

Azbučnik Detelinare je realizovan u okviru programa Resurs centra za lokal aktivizam u saradnji sa vizuelnom umetnicom Mireiom Sallarès, koja je bila fokusirana istraživanju rečnika ljubavi, temom kojom se bavila u protekle četiri godine u našem regionu boravivši u Srbiji, Bosni i Hercegovini i Hrvatskoj.



Alphabet of Detelinara - public presentation of the result of the workshop, which was realized in March 2018 with artist Mireia Sallarès from Barcelona and the neighbors​ of Detelinara.

This is unfinished Alphabet, started and open as an invitation to reflection and further articulation in the local neighborhood, in the form of aesthetic and political. These are mentioned and listed minorities, as they are written.


Program for Friday 11 May & Friday 01 June 2018

Plato in front of Post office 21113 &, Brace Mogin 2

(GPS latitude: 45.2646104 longitude: 19.81444060000001)

18: 00h - 20: 30h jam session - live ad hoc band from Detelinara neighborhood - guitar / voice / electronics / drum / bass / keyboards

Projection of "Detelinara in black and white" collection of b/w photographs of archivists from neighborhood.

20: 30h projection of the film "Autumn in My Street" directed by Miloš Pušić in 2009

Action for collecting donations for repairing the benches in the Rose Garden (Đul bašta)


You can download the Alphabet of Detelinara HERE and we invite you to visit the in Detelinara to take your copy.



The Alphabet of Detelinara: Welcome


In front of you is an exhibition that is somewhere else, in the other part of the town, in the Detelinara settlement - and it's not there either. It's in people’s minds, in memories and in everything that is forgotten, and it’s also in this initiative. The exhibition is a trigger for new processes, for active participation of the local community in economic, ecological, political and aesthetic aspects that concern them.

We use this opportunity and your presence to connect a local community, a former workers’ settlement and the Museum. Such intent is not new, but the idea is still present. We are taking all of you together, as our audience, outside of the gallery space into the local community. Your presence alone can be that connection. Because, we're searching for ourselves in dislocated places. In the virtual. We are now inviting you to come to the park, to Đul-bašta and other places. And then we invite you to join.

In the process of collaborative work, curiosity and social inclusion, during the seven days of our conversation, the neighbors from Detelinara set up a collection of concepts, from the wall to the bench, as focal points and processes that put the dimension of everyday life into the medium of a glossary.

The Alphabet was created as a result of the workshop participation by inhabitants of Detelinara, Mireia Sallarès and activists gathered around the It is an incomplete Alphabet, initiated and open as a call for reflection and further articulation, in aesthetic and political forms. These are small thoughts, articulated and recorded in writing.

The Alphabet is a medium, and imprint that recognizes a priority. If here in the gallery, the essence of artistic work, the quintessence of thought and emotion, human need for aesthetic expression are perhaps summed up, then the Alphabet is not an exhibit. It is a living thing, free, associative, which transforms meta-meanings of the artwork into scribbled graffiti that will be painted over by the authorities, during this or some other government ... or both, but then, forever. Just as our artifacts, Detelinara's concrete buildings, will be replaced by something else.

That is why this work is political, and not just aesthetic. it's in the community, in the park in the front, because it has to come to you. Like many other things that come and go. The same, just different. The processes that are being launched here give added value, where participants in the workshop become creators of value within the community itself. By questioning the very substance of locality, breaking it in memory, in the idea, in desires and intentions.

All this is done partly by accident, but it's persistent in that. And arbitrarily, and so determined. The Alphabet is a medium in which we learn letters again, about coexistence, in the gallery of today. It is exposed and executed. Therefore, we are based outside, intentionally thrown out. See you at Detelinara.