9th Channel: Solidarnosk - Muzički CD u okviru zbornika "Fakultet za de-programiranje zastarelosti! Dobrodošli!"

"9th Channel: Solidarnosk"


The music CD "9th Channel: Solidarnosk" contains sound from the first day of the (anti-) conference (Faculty of De-programming of Obsolescence! Welcome!), Lasting 30 '.
Time and date of reading the texts within the conference - from 19:00 to 19:30, February 27, 2014.

The music CD is part of the collection of texts from the (anti-) conference Faculty of De-programming of Obsolescence! Welcome!, held 27 & 28. February 2014 at the Youth Center CK13 in Novi Sad, produced and organized by kuda.org.

Reader and conference editors: Howard Slater & kuda.org
Published by the Center for New Media_kuda.org, Novi Sad
ISBN 978-86-88567-11-4
Year of publication 2014
More about the collection: Faculty of De-programming of Obsolescence! Welcome!