Interview with Dunja Blažević on the role of Soros Centers for Contemporary Art - SCCA in the region and the conditions of art production in the 90s, Sarajevo
Dunja Blažević, art historian, curator, editor of the visual program of the Gallery of the Student Cultural Center (SKC) in Belgrade from 1970 to 1976 and director of the SKC from 1976-1979 and director of the Center for Contemporary Art / SCCA / in Sarajevo since 1996 -2010.
SCCA (Soros Center for Contemporary Art) was founded by the Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of 1996. Since 2000, SCCA (Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art) has operated as an independent, non-profit professional organization. In 1998 SCCA established* multimedia – video, film and TV – production department.
From its beginnings, SCCA has produced and organized numerous exhibitions, art actions, workshops, seminars, lectures and presentations in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad; the Center has supported the production of artworks, produced a number of multimedia works, art videos and films, published catalogues and other art publications, and assembled art documentation.
Interview with Dunja Blažević on the role of Soros Centers for Contemporary Art - SCCA in the region and the conditions of art production in the 90s, Sarajevo
Dunja Blažević, art historian, curator, editor of the visual program of the Gallery of the Student Cultural Center (SKC) in Belgrade from 1970 to 1976 and director of the SKC from 1976-1979 and director of the Center for Contemporary Art / SCCA / in Sarajevo since 1996 -2010.
SCCA (Soros Center for Contemporary Art) was founded by the Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of 1996. Since 2000, SCCA (Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art) has operated as an independent, non-profit professional organization. In 1998 SCCA established* multimedia – video, film and TV – production department.
From its beginnings, SCCA has produced and organized numerous exhibitions, art actions, workshops, seminars, lectures and presentations in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad; the Center has supported the production of artworks, produced a number of multimedia works, art videos and films, published catalogues and other art publications, and assembled art documentation.
Art organization (review of historical practices through the XX century to the present day), research project
The research within the Art Organization project is focused on group and collective processes, within the relationship between artists and other participants in them. The aim of the research is to investigate a specific shift towards self-organized initiatives outside the framework of official institutions, and its consequences in the distribution of roles in the world of art. The research is partly conducted through interviewing participants and protagonists of the contemporary art scene from Yugoslavia.
Art Organisation is part of a wider project Vectors of Collective Imagination where cooperates with partners: Multimedia Institute mi2 and Kulturtreger-Books, Zagreb (HR); Glänta Gothenburg (SE); Kontrapunkt, Skopje (MK) and Berliner Gazette, Berlin (DE).