
workshop 05: TamTam - Collaborative Web Application, Aleksandar Erkalović, Multimedia Institut mi2, Zagreb

TamTam is software developed by Multimedia Institute's - mi2lab as GNU/GPL collaborative web application. It is mostly based on the concept of Wikiwiki, but has many features that are not a part of standard Wiki implementations and clones. TamTam is very informal and easy to use publishing platform for collaborative and dynamic projects (which dont have fixed structure from very beginning, but grow it as thay develop). Based on small number of easy to remember rules TamTam lets almost everyone manage and organize their web site. It was developed with idea of dynamic web, but heaving in mind beginners and designers (who dont have programmers on disposal). Content inside of TamTam is not static, but is neither hiden in hard to manage database. TamTam invites users to change it if they find something missing or incorrect and viewers to comment it (or also to change if security levell alows it). TamTam sites are open to all who feal like contributing to other peoples work. That is one of the main differences between tamtam and common publishing systems.

Multimedia Institute offers free hosting (http://tamtam.mi2.hr/) for organisations and individuals (for non-commercial use). Currently, there is around 30 different TamTam webs. TamTam is very popular among beginners who have never created web sites before. More experienced users like it because it is very fast and very adaptable for changing needs (variable security and layout systems).

Aleksandar Erkalović (1976), software developer and resident at mi2lab. He is main developer of collaborative web aplication TamTam. Together with software developing, Aleksandar is organizing creative and educative workshops directed to young people, experts and amateures, who are eager to find more about possibilities of TamTam and idea of Open Source Software, in general. he organized workshops at Tactical Media Camp in Vis and Dubrovnik, in Zagreb, at "Next Five Minutes" festival in Amsterdam, etc.

TamTam pages: http://tamtam.mi2.hr/tamtamdev/
Multimedia Institut: http://tamtam.mi2.hr/about/
Original Wikiwiki: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki

time: October 22-24, 2003
place: kuda.org