MANIFESTO Anti-fascist actions of Novi Sad on the occasion of November 9th, the International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism



Anti-fascist actions of Novi Sad on the occasion of November 9th

International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism

November 9th, World Anti-Fascism Day, is marked in memory of the Nazi savagery of the streets of German cities in 1938. The event known as Crystal Night was an introduction to the mass extermination of Jews, but also the announcement of a Second World War. Celebrating this date is of great importance - not only to remind of an event from the past but also to warn of new dangers looming over society. One historical form of fascism was defeated in 1945, but fascism as an idea and as a practice still threatens humanity equally.

Celebrating November 9th has its meaning, because only by reminding of crimes from the past and warning of threats from the present can new fascist slaughterhouses, new camps, and crematoria be prevented, in which all those who think differently will be victims!

This year's World Anti-Fascism Day is celebrated by the anti-fascist action of Novi Sad with a tribune called "Fascism in Serbia", which will be held on November 9th at 6 pm in the Museum of Contemporary Art (Museum of the Revolution), hosted by journalist Petar Lukovic and sociologist Vladimir Markovic. After the tribune, starting at 9 pm in the NS Time club, an anti-fascist punk-rock concert will take place.

Death to fascism!

In Novi Sad
7th November 2006

anti-fascist action Novi Sad

[email protected]

Public debate: "Fascism in Serbia"
November 9, 2006, 18:00
Museum of Contemporary Art Novi Sad (former Museum of the Socialist Revolution), Dunavska 37
Debate participants:
Petar Luković, journalist, Belgrade
Vladimir Markovic, sociologist, Belgrade


November 9, 2006, 9:00 p.m.
NS Time club, Novi Sad

Argies, Argentina
The Penetrators, Novi Sad
Ringispil, Novi Sad
