Presentation of the association for contemporary art "Rotor", Margarethe Makovec


is the organization from graz. it is led by anton lederer and margarethe makovec. during the 1990s, these artists initiated the association for the promotion of the central european contemporary art tendencies.

Margarethe Makovec, Grac

<rotor> organization is directed to different aspects of contemporary art with special respect to central Europe. In its programmes they present artists from the region in order to establish connection and mutual appearance.

<rotor> is an organization involved in many projects connected with other galleries, festivals and producers not only in austria. in recent years, they have participated in the programme called "Steirischer herbst" in Graz, as equal partners in the region. They aimed their creativity and openness at research towards connecting the artists from the region and in that way they enabled the promotion of a large number of east european artists in austria and western europe. so far, they have worked with our artists, too (škart, the apsolutno association, p.rtproduction).

The aim of their visit is to establish contacts through this presentation. On the one hand, they will present the work of the association, show slides of some projects and thus introduce our audience to the nature of their activities within the association. On the other, they hope to meet the artists from our region with whom they may collaborate in future.